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June 2017

"It's so fucking hot today," I hear Matty groan. I roll my eyes at his typical pessimism.

We are laying in the back of his car in the parking lot of our local petrol station. We banter back and forth about having nothing to do and hating this town, until we reach a comfortable silence. The sun has gone down and the air finally begins to cool. He looks towards me and shifts to grab his lighter out of his pocket, not once breaking eye contact with me.

He tactfully lights his cigarette and blows the smoke at my face. He knows I hate this, and that's why he always does it on his first hit. I secretly love it though, it's our thing. We waste the night away passing back and forth cigarettes listening to the typical shit kids who insists "they're so different" blast into their chunky headphones.

We slowly drift off into a peaceful sleep, not a worry about anything other than the security of the person our opposite.

Little did I know what would happen the next time we were in that parking lot and how it would change us forever.


I hate the fucking putrid smell of cigarettes. Every time I pass someone with that stick in their mouths I cough obnoxiously to let them know they are a disruption to my day.

I haven't thought about having one in years.

I suddenly snap out of my daydream when I hear someone yell "Luna!" in my direction. I look up to find who disturbed my walk, when I see my client, Emilia walk up to me.

I work in event planning, and have worked for some of the biggest names on this side of the pond: Harry Styles, Bono, Tom Holland, Florence Pugh, amongst others.

Emilia is one of my best clients, and always throws the most classy, lavish parties. I adore her dearly, and aspire to be like her when I reach her age.

"How do you always look like you walked out of Vouge?" Emilia asks me. I laugh and shrug her off.

"Emilia, you flatter me," I reply. "You're one to talk, you don't look too shabby yourself my friend." Emilia warms to this, and a wide smile appears on her face.

Making others happy and included has always been what I loved about my job. Not the celebrities and the flashy decor, but the genuine human connection that comes from bringing someone's dream to life.

We chat for a couple minutes about what she wants to plan for the coming months, and then we bid our goodbyes and head off on our ways.

I make a beeline to my favorite local coffee shop, before heading to the office to start my day of meetings.

you look so cool. (matty healy)Where stories live. Discover now