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Matty lays his forehead on mine and cusses under his breath. "I owe you one," he says with a smirk, as he walks away to get the door. 

"Fucking hell man, what are you doing here," Matty says annoyed. In walks Ross, who has his hair pulled back into a bun, and is in workout shorts and a hoodie. "Just wanted to see if our special guest was here this morning," he teases Matty. 

I give a nervous laugh, and greet Ross. It feels weird to have such a good connection considering we only met for the first time the night before. "I'm just kidding of course, but I do come with good news. Have you been on Twitter this morning?" Ross asks. Matty and I both shake our heads no, to which Ross replies "go take a look right now". 

I go back to my room to grab my phone, and I hear Matty in the kitchen say, "what the fuck. Is this real?" I panic internally, and quicken my pace to see what's wrong. But I walk into the kitchen and Matty and Ross are hugging. I let them have their moment, but I quickly ask, "what the hell is going on?"

 I let them have their moment, but I quickly ask, "what the hell is going on?"

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Matty runs over and picks me up and spins me around in a hug. "Number 1. Number fucking one," he says. He shows me his phone screen, and "At Their Very Best" sure enough is sitting at the top of the streaming charts. Ross comes over and joins too, we're all laughing and smiling, I'm still totally confused as to how they went number one overnight, but I simply soak in the moment with the two of them.

"I'm so so happy for you, but how did this happen," I ask. Ross collapes onto the couch with the biggest smile. Matty and I follow suit and we all sit on the couch surrnding Ross' phone. He opens Twitter and explains, "Apparently the Gorilla show went viral on Twitter. I have no idea how or why, but people starting downloading the album, and they love it. Like they really fucking love it."

"What the fuck even is happening!" Matty cheers. He pulls Ross into another hug, and they embrace. I know how much this must mean to them, and how much they went through to get to this point. 

I can't help but think this is a sign from my Dad, he was such a believer in Matty's talent, and then jsut before this I saw the note my Dad left. As much as I wish he was here for this, I can't help but smile.

Matty's phone rings, and he says to Ross, "it's Jaime". Ross nods, and Matty answers the phone. I mouth to Ross, "who's Jaime", and he replies, "our manager," I nod in understanding. 

The call is quick, and at the end Matty looks so happy. He turns around towards us and says, "they fucking want us on the BBC Radio 1 show tomorrow. Can you fuckin' believe that?" He says. "Oh my God, that's insane, holy shit!" I exclaim. 

you look so cool. (matty healy)Where stories live. Discover now