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2 Weeks Later

The past two weeks have been some of the best of my life, I've seen so many new places, met new people, and the band only seems to be getting more popular. After Philly the band played gigs in Cleveland, Washington D.C, Lexington, Nashville, Greenville, and Charlotte.

We had a short break after the first eight gigs before we head down to Atlanta, Georgia for the next show. I was excited to spend some time alone, just me and Matty, but he's gone a bit AWOL lately. We hadn't fought or anything, he just has gotten distant. I think as the band grows, he has began to lose sight of himself, which isn't his fault, but as people paint him in a certain light he feels pressured to be something he isn't.

He still never told the guys we were together, Ross only knew because he found us fucking on the couch. It hurts, but I didn't wanna say anything because we were happy just him and I.

After the show ended in Charlotte I waited in his dressing room ready to head back to the hotel, when he came in he had already changed and had a bag in his hand. He told me he was exhausted from tour and he was going out of town for a couple days to rest before Atlanta. I haven't heard from him since. I texted him a couple time, but got no reply. 

I'm not even mad. I'm just confused. I mean what the hell happened? 

I didn't really have any plans, because I figured I would go wherever he did. Adam was heading back to the UK for a couple days to see his wife, but Ross and George were planning to head to Atlanta early, and they invited me to head down with them. I said yes, and now I find myself getting ready in a hotel in downtown Atlanta to party with Ross and George. They haven't heard anything from Matty either, but we all agreed 'fuck it' let's have a great night.

I'm in the bathroom finishing my makeup while George periodically runs in a shot for me. I hear him and Ross fucking around as I finish up throwing on some deodorant. I hate to admit it, but hell I look amazing and I'm petty and tipsy so of course I take a quick photo to post on my Instagram story to show Matty the fun he's missing.  

I end up wearing a mesh star bodysuit that I pair with my favourite black leather trousers. I skip the jewelry tonight, and slip on my black Doc Martens.

I walk back into the main area of the room and hear Ross say, "Damn Luna," I smile and give a playful spin

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I walk back into the main area of the room and hear Ross say, "Damn Luna," I smile and give a playful spin. Over the past two weeks Ross and I have become best friends, he being my personal hypeman. "Not too bad yourself," I reply.

"Alright stop with that shit, I'm not drunk enough yet, one more shot then I'll call the Uber," George moans. He fills the three shot glasses and Ross raises his first, "A toast," he says. "This is to new friendships and blacking out," he finishes. We cheers and tap the glasses back down on the table and throw back our shots. 

you look so cool. (matty healy)Where stories live. Discover now