
332 10 2

March 2016

I've been waiting for tonight for what's felt like forever. Matty's started up a small band with a couple guys from school, and they are having a gig tonight. I'm especially excited because this will be my first time seeing them play in a band, with Matty as the frontman. Of course I've heard Matty sing and play guitar, but never with a crowd. He's got talent, and I'm not simply saying that because I love him, he genuinely could do big things. He hates when I tell him that, and shrugs it off, but I know tonight is important to him. I can tell he's nervous as I watch him drum his fingers on his leg and continuously tunes his guitar depite it being perfect already. 

The gig is in some kid's backyard just outside of Manchester. Apparently this kid has got a sick clearing in the woods behind his house, which is where the band is gonna set up to play. The weather is perfect, its a cool 19 degrees Celsius, and it's not too humid. It's supposedly supposed to rain at osme point tonight, or early morning, but I'm not worried about it. Matty's group is set to go on at midnight, but the party is starting at 10 pm. Apparently it's open mic until it's time for the headlining group to head on, which I'm sure with be hilarious.

Matty's over at my house, he sits on my bed strumming his guitar while I throw on an outfit before we leave. I put on a simple black mini skirt, with a black crop top that's backless. I go to zip up my black platform boots, but I change my mind and put on some high top black converse, just in case it does end up raining. 

"You look hot," I hear Matty say from my bed. "Shut up," I say to him jokingly. It's about 9:30 pm, and I say, "we should probably head out, right?" He nods and puts his guitar back into its case. "You nervous, M?" I ask. "Course not Lu," he says back, giving me a quick peck. 

He leads us downstairs, and we grab a couple cases of beer from the kitchen, and bring them into the car with us. We hop in Matty's car, and he puts all the windows and the sun roof down. It couldn't be a more perfect night. We pull out of the driveway, he turns the music up loud and the wind whips through my hair. He slides his hand onto my thigh giving it a gently squeeze, and then gently rubbing back and forth. We scream to lyrcis to "Friday I'm in Love" and "Knee Socks" until we arrive at the house. We park and I open my door, ready to hop out, but Matty stays in the car. I turn back around my poke my head in the window, "what are you doing loverboy?" I ask teasingly. "Just wanted another look at ya," he says with a smile. He contines looking at me as he unlocks his door and hops out. 

He grabs his guitar out of the trunk and makes his way back towards me. With his free hand he grabs a cigarette, sticking it inbetween his hips, lighting it with ease. He slides his free arm around my shoulders and we walk to the house together. I take the cigarette from his lips, and put it between my own. I take a long drawl, and hold it, looking towards Matty. I stop us walking, and I grab him byt the neck, kissing him hard, blowing all the smoke into his mouth. He moans deeply, pulling back before kissing me one last time. We walk up to the backyard, "I'll see you later Matty, go kill it," I say. He heads to meet up with the band to make sure everything is good to go, and I go meander in the crowd.

I toss back a couple beers, feeling pretty loose now. It's around 11:30 pm now and I haven't seen Matty since we got out of the car. I figure he's probably reharsing and running back through lyrics with the guys. I kinda forgot about the open mic aspect, but I suddenly find myself behind the mic stand with my friends cheering my name. There's a guys behind some sort of DJ stand to the side of the makeshift stage, he points my way and incidates me to come over to him. I guess this is some sort of karaoke and I'm supposed to pick a song out. I scour through the enourmous book of songs I have to pick from, until I land on the perfect choice. I know Matty will love this, we've sung this before together in the car. I tell the DJ my choice, and he queues it. I head back to the mic and grab another beer from some girl in the crowd who's waving it at me. 

you look so cool. (matty healy)Where stories live. Discover now