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We both walk out of the small room we were in, and head back out into the red glowing hallway. He leads the way, and a couple doors down, I begin to hear laughing and conversation. We get to the door, and Matty has his hand on the handle, before he opens it, he looks towards me. "If you're not ready for this, don't feel like you have to meet everyone, I'm sure tonight has been a lot already," Matty says.

I smile, more appreciative than he could ever know, and reply, "Thank you for thinking of me, but I can't wait to meet the band. They seem incredibly special to you, and if I recall you have pretty good taste, so they can't be too bad," I smirk. He chuckles and opens the door.

Inside there's three guys, one who is tall, with longer hair and a beard. Another who is holding drumsticks and rocks a bleach buzz cut, and finally a thinner guy tuning up an electric guitar. Matty clears his throat and whispers, "behave" under his breath, which I laugh at. He says "uhm guys, this is Luna," and the guys all sort of chuckle, and the long haired one replies, "shit I was starting to think she wasn't real". Matty gives him a playful punch on the arm and says "fuck off" and giggles himself.

The one sets down his guitar, and comes up to me. He introduces himself as Jaime, and pulls me into a hug. Next up comes Mr. Manbun who I learn is Ross, and then comes the drummer, George. They are all beyond welcoming to me, and we chat excitedly about the upcoming tour. They invite me to hang out for a bit, before they head out to a club. I flop onto the couch and snag a beer. We banter on like the odoest of friends. I forget for a while all the events that led up to this. I learn that Adam and Matty met first, followed by Ross, and finally George.

After I while, I fall out of the conversation, not for any particular reason besides that fact that I'm simply in awe of the dynamic the four guys have. I mean they genuinly are the best of friends. They fight like brothers, but I can tell they would do anything for any of the guys next to them.I hear Ross shout, "Hey Luna! Are you coming out with us tonight? We would love to have you, I know Matty definetley would," he says. Matty rolls his eyes and shoves Ross while uttering "fuckin' wanker" under his breath. We all laugh at them, those two seem to have a really great bond. "I would love to stay and party, but I couldn't get a hotel so I gotta take the night train back to London," I say.

"Aw naw, fuck that," George exclaims. "Yeah no," Matty chimes in. "I got a flat here now, just stay with me, just for the night, it's no big deal," he says. My jaw probably drops, he wants me to sleep over? This can't end well. I am shocked by his offer, "Um well I mean, I don't have any clothes or anything, and I wouldn't want to intrude at all," I reply.

"Fucks sake," says Ross, "you're coming out with us and just stay at Matty's. We gotta show you posh city kids how to party," he says as he indicates to Matty and I. "Mate how long do I gotta hang around you until you give up the London bullshit," Matty groans.

Adam orders an Uber XL to take us to a club in Manchester called "The Loft". I hadn't heard of it, but the boys assured me it would be a good time, so I hopped in the Uber, sitting in between Matty and Ross. It feels like no time has gone by as Matty subconciously settles his hand on my thigh, and gently scratches me and rubbing my skin. I know it's probably too quick, but I have no intentions of pushing him off.

We pull up outside the club, the music is blasting and the line is super long. I feel a bit discouraged, it's a bit cold and we're gonna have to wait in this misreable line. As I hop out of the car, I stagger towards the back, but George grabs my arm and raps his arm around my shoulder and shakes his head. He leads the five of us up to the front of the line, where the bouncer lets us in without question.

you look so cool. (matty healy)Where stories live. Discover now