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Matty calls the Uber, and leads us outside. We can't keep our hands off each other. Mine in his hair, his up my blazer, our lips on the others. We're making out outside the club, I'm pushed up against the wall, and Matty holds me up underneath my ass. I bite his shoulder, and he throws his head back biting his lip and moaning.

"Fuckin hell, drives me crazy when you do that shit," he whines. I bite his earlobe and he continues to squirm under my tongue, God it feels so good having this man trip over his feet for my affection. I push back on his chest a bit as he drops me back onto the floor. "You thought we were done, Matty?" I ask him teasingly. He gives me a confused look, as I take my turn with him. 

I push him so his back is against the wall, one hand goes under his shirt, as I scratch at his back and the other digs into his sweaty curls, pulling his face down towards mine. We suddenly jump at the sound of a honking car. "Yo! I think I might be your Uber. Are you Matty?" The driver asks. I adjust my hair, as Matty checks the plate and gives me the go-ahead to hop in the car. 

The ride is the longest fifteen minutes of my life. Matty's running his fingers inbetween my thighs, while the Uber driver makes cheesy jokes about British accents. The duality of this situation is crazy. 

Once we pull up to the hotel, Matty practically drags me out and into an elevator. No one is in the lobby or lift, and he kisses me hard on the way up. I doubt he has his keys on him, so I grab his hand and we walk towards my room. In the room, he shuts the door, pulling the latch closed as well. I walk to the bed and sit on the edge expecting him to follow suit. But, instead he just stares at me. 

"I've thought about this for so fucking long Luna, you have no idea. I want you so bad I can't even explain it. I just wanna be good for you. I always wanna be good for you," he says to me. I've never seen him like this, so nervous about physical relationships. If anything, he would never communicate any emotion. Seeing him so nervous to be with me like this shows me how deeply he cares for me.

Up until this point, our rekindling of our relationship has avoided sex, neither of us were there yet. But, seeing him tonight with the smoke rolling off his lips in the club and knowing how much he hated seeing me with anything else flipped the switch in me.

"You could never disapoint me Matty, really. I want you. I want all of you," I tell him. I slowly slip out of my blazer, tossing it onto the floor. He inches closer. I bend over a bit to unzip my boots, lifting my leg in the air as I do it just to fuck with him. He looks like a puppy begging for a treat. With my boots off, all that's left are my trousers and my bra. He looks at me waiting for me to take it off, but I shake my head. "You look much to clothed right now, something tells me it's your turn," I say to him.

"You just wanna see me naked Lu. Thing is I want that too," he says back to me and his kicks his shoes off. He crosses his arms in front of his body and takes his shirt off revealing tattoos I haven't seen yet. My eyes go wide taking in his delicately sculpted stomach. He has a large tattoo right in the center, and I can't help but stare. My breath catches as his hands approach the zipper of his pants. "Now look at who's salivating," he says to me.

"Matty," I whisper. "Please, come over here, let me help," I say. He walks over to my spot on the bed. I spread my legs tugging him in between mine. Once he's close to me I run my hands down the front of his stomach, over all his tattoos. I trace the large circular one in the center, he moans at my toach. "Are you sure?" I whisper. "Never been more sure of anything in my life," he whines out.

I reach for his zipper, hardly even touching it before Matty loses it. He whimpers, as I unzip him agonizingly slow. "Luna! Fuckin' hell, please," he says. I finish with the zipper and tug the pants down his legs, leaving him in only his boxers. "Matty." I say. "If we're gonna do this, we're gonna do it my way babe. If I recall correctly you fuckin' left, so therefore I have all the power right now. Kay?" I ask him.

He is almost shaking at my words, as he gets down on his knees and meets my eye. "Whatever you want love, say the word. I'm all yours." I draw my arms back and unclasp my bra, letting it fall to the ground, just brushing by Matty's face. 

He's biting his lip with his eyes rolling back in his head. I stand up and he follows. I slowly unzip and remove my trousers leaving both of us just in underwear. "You're so fucking beautiful. Literal fuckin' art," he says admiring me. 

"I gotta keep you a secret so the Louvre or some shit doesn't take you away," he whisper to me as he gently traces over my collarbones with his finger. I sit back down on the bed and scoot back, Matty following suit. "Matty. I want you so badly, please," I whine to him.

He slowly kisses my neck, the waiting is physically hurting me, I'm aching for him, for him to touch me. As he continues to work on my neck I feel his other hand inch down my stomach. He slowly works his fingers under the lace and tugs my thong off. "Fuck," he murmurs to himself. 

I reach my hand down towards his boxers, toying with the waistband before tugging on them, indicating to him I want them off. Soon enough we're both completely naked, and he hovers over top of me. He kisses me, but not aggressively, more loving this time. He gives me that look, "I'm on the pill," I whisper into his ear, kissing him on his jawline.

He leans down kissing me again before he starts to fuck me. It doesn't take long for him to come undone inside of me, with me following suit shortly after. He lays on top of me, neither of us saying anything, just breathing heavily taking in the others presence. He flips onto his side, with my back to him he pulls me into his chest and kisses my back softly.

"Luna." He speaks up. "You know I don't believe in God or any of that shit, but there's gotta be somethin' out there that brought me to you because you're the closest to religion I've ever felt. I'm only me when I'm with you, and I love you for that."

Nothing I say can top that, so I just whsiper to him, "Matty, I love you too. Always did. Always will." I tell him. I flip over to face him and our lips meet. He pulls me into a tight hug, and we both doze off.

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