Ghostbusters Unite

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Egon snatched a book, scanning the pages, "This one's interesting, Ray. Berlin, 1939. A flower cart took off by itself. Rolled half a kilometer. Three hundred eyewitnesses." Ray handed a book to his customer, "My best to the covent." He swings around to Egon, "Berlin, huh? You know, we should also check Duke University's mean averaging studies on controlled psychokinesis."

"I pulled it."

Y/N watches silently, her friend still unconscious from the fall. She has detected a few times that Egon Spengler would glimpse her way every few minutes. Ray would too glimpse at the girls. Her senses are still wrapping around the fact that they were in the film. If Y/F/N could see this now, she would freak out.

The sound of the bell by the door chimes, and a man enters the store, "Ah, perhaps you could help me. I am looking for a love potion aerosol that I could spray on a certain Penthouse pet to obtain her total submission." He spoke in a funny accent. Y/N shook her head with a smirk.

"Hello, Venkman." Egon greeted, taking a quick peek at Peter before returning to his book. "Hi, Pete, how's it going?" Ray waves with a pen in his hand. Peter doesn't notice the girls as he walks up to the guys, "Hey, well, hi, Egon. How's school? Bet those science chicks really dig that large cranium of yours."

Egon retorts, "I think they're more interested in my epididemis." Y/N covers her mouth to silence the snort while Peter rolls his eyes. Egon notices Y/N making an effort not to chuckle, making him grin slightly.

"Ray, let's close this place up so you can buy me a calzone," Peter mentions, sitting on a stool next to Ray's counter. "Oh, I really can't do that right now, Pete. I'm working on something. But your book came in! 'Magical Paths to Fortune and Power.'" He hands Peter his book.

"Thank you."

"Good luck with that, Venkman." Egon walks around to stand near Y/N and the counter. Interested in what Egon is looking at, she leans forward and notices odd drawings on the pages. Egon tilts the book further in her eyesight, realizing she wishes to see it.

"Will you put this on my account, please?"

"Sure." Ray types on his computer and scribbles on a notepad. Egon spots something intriguing in the book, "Ray, take a look at this." He steps over to Ray and points to a section in the book. Ray takes it and reads the paragraph Egon pointed to. "Oh, yeah."

"What are you guys working on?" Peter inquiries, interested in what they are working on. Ray nervously stares up at Peter, "Ah, well, we're just kind of-" Egon clears his throat, signaling Ray to stop talking, "- checking something out for an old friend." Ray murmurs.

"Neat! Who?" Peter presses.

"Ah-" Ray stares at Peter for a moment before the phone rings. Then, picking it up, Ray clears his throat, "Ray's Occult. - 7:00 on weekdays, and midnight on Saturdays. - Thank you." He hangs up and dodges eye contact with Peter. Venkman reaches over and lifts Ray's head, "Who?"

"Who? Oh, just somebody we know." Ray swallows. Egon and Y/N look at each other, then see Peter reach for Ray, "Oh." He pulls Ray's ears and lifts him up.

"Aggh! Aggh!"


"I can't! No, no, no! No, I can't, I-"

"Yes, you can, yes, you can! Who?!"

"Nobody, nobody!" Ray yelps. "Can you tell me now?" Peter starts to clutch Ray's ears harder, "Aggh! I can't, no, I-"


"Aggh, aggh, Dana Barrett!" Ray finally responds. Egon shakes his head and closes his book as Peter drops Ray, "My Dana Barrett?" Peter turns his attention to Egon and notices the two girls, "Who are they?"

Egon swallows hard and peeks over his shoulder at Y/N. Peter stands up from the stool and walks over to her with a loopy grin, "Well, hello. And who might you be?" Y/N raises an eyebrow at Peter and side glances at Spengler. Egon barely shakes his head at her, wanting her to remain silent. Peter turns his head to the scientist and frowns, "Egon?"

Y/N folds her arms across her chest, watching the two stare at each other. "My name is Y/N L/N."

Peter and Egon shot their awareness back to the young woman. Spengler realized that was the first time she had spoken since she became conscious. Peter nods his head, "What a lovely name Ms. L/N. And I presume you saw what happened?"

"The entire thing." She answered back smugly.

Egon drops his head and slowly gazes at Peter, then Y/N, "Would you excuse us for a moment?" She nodded as Spengler dragged Peter to the counter, and the three Ghostbusters whispered amongst themselves. Peter's eyes widened, and they stole an instantaneous glance at Y/N and her insentient friend before going back to gossiping. After a few minutes, The three turned to Y/N, "Where are you from, Y/N?" Ray questions, stepping away from the counter. The young woman angles her head, "I am from Y/H/T (your hometown)."

"Do you know where you're at?" Peter inquiries, putting on a severe face.

"If I'm not mistaken," She initiated, "The Big Apple. New York."

Egon nods and steps forward, "What year do you think it is, Y/N?" Peter frowns at Egon, "Why ask her that?! She knows what year it is!" Y/N sighs and answers gravely. Which sent a chill down the Ghostbusters' spines.

"It's two-thousand twenty-three."

Egon, Ray, and Peter eye each other, "It's 1989..." Peter informs her quietly. Y/N shakes her head, "Not where I'm from. Also, the Ghostbusters don't exist. You guys are from a movie."

"A movie?" Ray sputters.


"Y/N, I have one more question for you," Egon spoke, "Do you know what happens during this time?"

"Yes." She answered. Peter crosses his arms, "Can you tell us?" Egon glares at Peter, hoping she doesn't tell them, but a sigh of relief escapes his lips at her answer.

"It's nonya."

"What's nonya?"

"None ya business."

Ray breaks into laughter, and Egon turns his head away, covering up the smile on his face, while Peter stands there in astonishment.

"Score one for the ladies." Y/N thought to herself.

Ghostbusters Egon Spengler x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now