Vigo's Painting

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The next day, Peter and I made our way to the Manhattan Museum of Art, where people are going in and out. Y/F/N, Ray, and Egon were at the facility with Winston to experiment more with the slime.

Peter walked up to the front desk where a security guard sat, "Hello. I'm looking for Dana Barrett."

The guard glances up at Peter, "Room 304, restoration."

"Thank you." Peter and I turned to head up the stairs when the guard calls out, standing up with a grin, "Dr. Venkman? World of the Psychic?"

Peter turns around, "Yes!" They shake hands, "That's right. How ya doing?"

"I'm a big, big fan of yours!"

"Thank you very much. Thank you."

"It used to be one of my two favorite shows."

Peter shoves his hands in his pockets, "You're kidding me. Oh, great. What was the other one?"

"Bass Masters. It's a fishing show."

"Yeah, I know Bass Masters. Sure." Peter and I spun around and makes our way to the restoration room. I turned my gaze around the room and noticed people restoring paintings. Peter sees Dana retouching a painting. He reaches over and moves the painting away, leaving Dana's hand in the air.

"You're good- pretty eyes." Peter flirts. Dana stares at him, removing her goggles, "I didn't paint it. I'm just cleaning it. It's a Gocan." She smiles. I turn my head to see Janosz walk up to us.

Peter chuckles, "Oh, I've heard of him."

"Well, Dana, aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" Janosz questions. Dana adverts her eyes from Janosz to Peter, "Sure. Peter Venkman, Y/N, this is Dr. Janosz Poha, the head of our department." I had moved away from Janosz, feeling extremely uncomfortable. I backed up further away until I heard Peter's voice.

"Say, Johnny! You've got a Gocan too!" Peter says, walking up behind me. I turn around to see the Vigo painting behind me. Janosz climbs up the ladder with a smile, "No, actually, I am preparing this portrait for our new Romantic exhibition. Yes. This is Prince Vigo, the ruler of Carpathian Moldavia."

Peter starts imitating Vigo's pose, "Bit of a sissy, isn't he?" Dana and I tried not to let Janosz see us smile in amusement.

"He was a very powerful magician, Dr. Venkman, and a genius in many ways." Janosz proudly states. Dana steps next to Peter and crosses her arms, "He was also a lunatic and a genocidal madman. I hate this painting. I've felt uncomfortable ever since it came up from storage."

"Well, you're probably feeling what Vigo's feeling," I spoke. Peter nods his head, "Carpathian kitten loss! He's missed his kitten!" He grabs some paint, "We'll just put one in here by the castle." I cover my mouth to silence my chuckle. Janosz panics and gets in front of Peter, "No, don't go around altering my life's work, Dr. Venkman. Go. Yes, I think, go. Yes. The joyfulness is over!"

Peter lowers the paint can with a chuckle. I turn my head to the painting and felt uneasy with it in the room. Dana gestures to Peter, assuring Janosz, "He's kidding..."

"Well, you're not gonna get a green card with that attitude, pal, okay!" Peter walks away with Dana and me behind him. He then turns to Dana, "Oh, of course, of course, I get it! You're sweet on this hunky stud, aren't you!" We turn to see Janosz talking to the painting and gesturing to us. Dana frowns and turns back to Peter, "You know, Peter, every now and then, I get the feeling that painting is watching me. Even smiling at me."

"It is a creepy painting, Dana," I whispered. Peter crosses his arms and nods, "I will bring it up to the boys. If there is anything else, give us a call."

"I will." Dana turns to me and hugs me, "I will see you around, Y/N?"

I returned the hug with a grin, "Yeah. See you later, Dana."

We walked out of the room and back to the main floor of the museum. A chill passes through my back, making me turn around. My eyes scanned the room, but with it being busy, I couldn't tell who was just staring at me.

"Y/N?" Peter calls out. I swept my eyes around the room one last time before following Peter. "You alright?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders, "Thought someone was watching us..."

?? POV:

The girl was beautiful. And she knows the Ghostbusters. She is perfect; now I just need one of the Ghostbusters to finish what was taken from me. All I want is to get home. I floated closer to the girl before she made it out the door. She turns around and glances around the room.

Yes, she will do perfectly.

"Y/N?" The Ghostbuster calls out to her. A wonderful name too. I watch her follow the man out the door and trailed behind her. My anger for the one person who ripped my life from me, boiled. But she is my only chance. I may be a Class 4 that the Ghostbusters would identify me, but with Y/N, I will become a Class 5.

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