The day we met

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Author's note:

Hi guys. I'm not a native English speaker so please if you see some grammatical errors let mw know so I can change it. Thanks! Happy reading *kisses.

Althea POV

You have a week free time before your residency starts so you chose to accept some modelling offer to save up some money and make some friends in your new home.

It's Sunday afternoon, your shoot just ended so you went to Grey-Sloan Hospital as tomorrow will be your first day and you want to have an idea to where and how things work there like where you can park your car or where is the entrance is. You don't want to be lost and late in your first day.

Alongside of the hospital you saw a bar with a lot of people and decided to went inside and have few drinks.

"Few drinks won't hurt. It's too early to go to bed anyways.", you said to yourself as you go inside Joe's bar.

You mingle with few people trying to find somebody interesting or somebody who might be working in the hospital so, at least you will not become a totally complete stranger tomorrow. But after few attempts, you failed to find one. So, you decided to just drink until you spot a blonde woman sitting in the bar table alone wearing a black dress. You decided to seat in the bar next to the blonde women and order another martini. You took a glance of the woman and said to yourself, "God, she's pretty."

"Hey there, Stranger", Trying to start a conversation with the Blonde.

The blonde looked at you with the smile and replied, "Hi, Stranger." Her smile turns to slight smirk.

"I'm Althea.", while you extend your right hand to the blonde for a handshake.

The blonde then replied, "Oww, the stranger has a name then." She puts down her glass and accepted your handshake, "I'm Arizona."

"So, what you up to Arizona.", you said nervously.

Arizona laughs and said, "Come on, bet you can do more than that."

You looked away from her for a second trying to swift away your nervousness and adjust yourself in your seat. Your knees are now touching and in between hers.

"Well, how about now?", you replied with a smirk in your face. Feeling more confident.

"Better.", Arizona said. And you noticed her face slightly turns red.

Your conversation goes on. You asked her if she can recommend some great places here in Settle since you're new. She mentioned few places where you can shop, eat, or even relax. While she's talking, you tried to make a move. Placing your right hand on the side of her left thigh and started drawing some circles. You can see her face turns red again but she continues to talk.

After several minutes into the conversation, you feel her move forward to her seat so she is now closer to you. You moved your right hand to her inner right thigh right above her knee and starts drawing circles again. She then grabs her drink and took a sip looking away from you.

"Can I take you home?", you said to the blonde.

You paid for your bill including Arizona's and left Joe's bar holding hands and laughing. You make your way to the parking where you parked your Lamborghini. You opened the door to the passenger seat for Arizona and drive straight to your condo.

You arrived at the parking of the building and while you're about to take off your seatbelt, you notice Arizona is looking intensely right to your eyes.

"What? Is there something wr--", before you finished your sentence, Arizona moved herself to seat on top of you. You started to kiss. The kiss was slow at first but it started to go deeper as you move your hands up to Arizona's thighs. Arizona tries to make herself comfortable but she ended up bumping her head causing both of you to break the kiss and laugh.

"It's pretty tight in here.", Arizona said.

"Come on, let's go inside.", you replied.

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