Chapter 11

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Althea POV

*After 5 months*

Everything is going well in your life. You received an award as top performing resident in your batch. Your relationship with Arizona is going well also. You took trips together, had picnics together, watch movies together, explore different restaurants around the city together. Pretty much enjoying your lives together. She bought you a closet in her apartment so you will have extra clothes whenever you sleepover and you did the same in your apartment.

"I need to get up. I'm gonna be late.", you said trying to get up the bed but Arizona's arms wrapped around your waist.

"Hmmmmm. 5 minutes.", Arizona replied as she tightens her hug around you. Her eyes are still closed.

You placed a kiss in her forehead and hug her as well.

"Okay. Now, I really need to get up.", you said again trying to unwrap Arizona's arms around you. Which she didn't insist.

"Tsk. Why does Pierce asked you to come so early again?", Arizona asked while still lying in the bed.

"Heart transplant. We need to pick up the heart from Portland.", you yelled from the bathroom and get ready to take a shower.

"You're driving?", she yelled back.

"Yeah. We flipped a coin and I lost unfortunately.", you replied from the shower.

You heard Arizona laughs from the bedroom.

"Well, be careful then.", she said.

You walked out the bathroom already dressed. You pick up your bag then walk towards the bed and lean over to Arizona to give her a kiss.

"I'll see you later at the hospital.", you said after you kissed her.

"I love you.", she replied pulling you again closer to her.

"I love you.", you replied leaning again for a kiss.

"I'm taking the SUV. Feel comfortable taking the MCLaren or the Lambo if you want." You said to Arizona with a wink.

"I'm taking both.", she replied then laughs.

You left your apartment and drive to the hospital. As you arrived, you looked for Dr. Pierce and get ready for your trip.

*After few hours*

Dr. Pierce successfully extracted the heart from the donor's body with your assistance and drive back to Seattle.

"How's it going with you and Arizona?", Dr. Pierce asked while you're driving.

"Going really well actually. Heard that you and Jackson moved in together last week huh.", you replied teasing Pierce.

"Well- yeah.", she replied with a sigh.

"Why? You don't seem happy.", you looked over to her looking concerned.

"I'm happy. I am. We both are but- I feel- I feel uncomfortable sometimes you know. Because he's an Avery and he's suuuuuper rich.", Maggie replied.

"How's that matter? You love him. He loves you.", you replied looking in the road.

"I don't know.", she replied.

You opened your mouth to reply but you saw a truck coming directly in your direction. Suddenly, your surroundings started to move in slow motion like in the movies.

"Oh shit.", you said under your breath and everything went black.


Arizona POV

"Good job everyone.", you said as you cut the stitch in your patient indicating that the closing is completed. All the staff clapped together for the successful operation.

You took off your gown and gloves then you walk out of the operating room smiling widely, feeling good for saving the kid's life. You tried to call Althea through your phone but no answer.

"Hi babe. How's it going? Are you here already? Why didn't you message me? *sad emoji", you sent the text and walk away.

An hour had passed but Althea doesn't call or text back so you began to be concerned. You decided to go to the attending lounge and found all the attendings gathering around talking about something. Then you saw Amelia hugging Meredith crying in one corner of the room.

"Hey. What's going on?", you said as you walk inside the room. Everybody turned around with a weird look in their faces.

No one said a word. They just continue looking at you with the same look in their faces. Then Bailey walks slowly towards you.

"What's happening? Why's everybody looking weird?", you asked Bailey putting a smile in your face.

"Sit down.", Bailey replied.

"Why? Bailey, you're freaking me out!", you said getting frustrated.

Miranda sat beside you then she took a deep breath before she opens her mouth to speak.

"Pierce and Ellison were on an accident.", Miranda said looking directly in your eyes.

Your heart sank and your body suddenly went cold. "W-what? How bad? Wh-what happened? Where are they? Where's Althea?", you replied as you feel the tears building up in your eyes.

"Arizona-", Bailey replied trying to calm you down.

"Is she dead? WHERE IS SHE?", you yelled getting frustrated to get the answers.

"They're still in Portland. Althea had a head trauma so they need to operate right away. That's the only news we have right now but Hunt and April are already on the way to the hospital to check if they're stable enough to be transported here. We just- have to wait.", Bailey said.

Your tears fall down your face and you can't stop yourself from crying. You can feel Bailey hugging you.

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