Chapter 19

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Arizona POV

"Okay everyone. Now is the time. I want everyone's mind inside this room, nowhere else. Stay focus. Stay vigilant and calm. Got it?", you said to everyone inside the operating room.

Today, you will attempt to separate a new born conjoined twins. The twins are orphan and was part of your expanding African program which is now accepting non-African children that needs medical help.

"Blue team are we ready?", you said looking at the people wearing blue surgical gown led by Alex Karev with heart surgeon Maggie Pierce and neuro surgeon Mark Smith.

Alex looked to Maggie and Mark first before answering. The two surgeons gave Alex a nod.

"We're ready.", Alex replied.

You smiled to Alex before you turn to your team.

"Red team, are we ready?", you said as you turn to neuro surgeon Amelia Shepherd and heart surgeon Teddy Altman. They responded with a nod as well. You smiled to the two then turn back to face the rest of the people inside. You took a deep breath before you speak.

"Okayyyy. Let's do this.", you said then everyone moved to their positions. The twins enter the room and the operation begins.

The operation was estimated to last for 12 hours. 25 medical staffs and 6 lead surgeons including you were divided and assigned for the whole procedure. A lot of people are watching the surgery from the gallery and is being flashed to the news all over the world.

After 10 hours, the twins were successfully separated from each other and were brought to separate ORs for repair and closure. You and Alex were in comms the whole time giving each other updates. Twin A had a minor leakage but you were able to repair it in time. Everybody clapped and congratulate you and everyone in the team for the first successful conjoined twins separation in Seattle.

"Robbins! I'm so proud of you. Good job.", Chief Webber said as you walk out of the OR.

"Thank you, Sir.", you smiled then proceed to walk towards the other attendings to congratulate them.

The team decided to have a victory party at Joe's. You changed in your casual clothes then walk towards the bar.

"There she is!", Alex yelled to everyone as he saw you enters the bar. Everybody claps and yelled "Woooohoooo" which made you smile broadly.

"Congratulations, Dr. Arizona Robbins.", said by Althea as she hugs you from behind then gives you a glass of white wine. You smiled then give her a peck in the lips.

The night went full of happiness and everybody had fun. Some of the doctors and nurses dance together at the platform. You, Althea, Alex, and the rest of your circles decided to play pool. You, Alex, Amelia, and Jackson played drunk Jenga. All four of you ended up so drunk. Meredith paged Jo to pickup Alex and take him home. Meredith brought home Amelia, and Althea did the same to you.

The next morning, you woke up with a headache. So, you get out of the bed to make yourself a coffee. You found an already made breakfast at the kitchen island with a small note taped to it.

"Had to leave early. Rounds at 7. Made your hangover breakfast at the counter and Tylenol at the cabinet near the sink. No need to go to work if you're not feeling well. I'll takecare of your post ops. See you later. *kisses", said by the note as you read it. You can't help but smile.

You eat the food made by Althea and take a bath then drive to the hospital. When you arrived, Althea already finished all your post ops so, you decided to go to an oncall room to get more sleep. You entered the room and saw Amelia laying on the bunk bed with Pierce on the top bed.

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