Chapter 10

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Althea POV

You woke up and smiled to yourself reminiscing last night. You looked on your side but find it empty. You expected Arizona to be by your side sleeping but she's gone. You immediately got up and look around your house but saw no one. All her belongings are gone as well. You paused for a second trying to rethink if last night were just a dream but then you saw a freshly made sandwich on the counter and a freshly brewed coffee. You pick up your phone and dial Arizona's number but she didn't answer.

"Hey. Where are you?", you sent her a text then you start preparing to go to work.

You arrived at the hospital and saw Amelia Shepherd at the pit. You approached her as you are on her service this week.

"Dr. Shepherd. Goodmorning!", you greeted her.

"Dr. Ellison, hey looking good. Come on follow me.", Amelia replied with a grin.

You follow Dr. Shepherd inside the radiology evaluation room and saw Arizona standing in front of an MRI scan with Dr. Karev on her side.

"Robbins, you paged me?", Dr. Shepherd said upon entering the room.

"Yeah. 7 years old female with severe headache and foggy vision. I need you to look on her MRI result.", Arizona replied without looking at you as if you're not there.

You came closer to the scans for better look and stand besides Dr. Shepherd.

"Osteomas.", you said while looking in the scans.

"Good eye, Dr. Ellison.", Dr. Shepherd commented.

"How do we treat it?", she continued.

You paused for a moment before answering.

"We can perform an endoscopic sinus procedure so we don't have to cut through the skull of the child.", you answered then you looked at Arizona then Dr. Shepherd. Arizona is not looking at you still.

"Wow. So, the rumor is true huh. You're really good for a resident.", Dr. Shepherd replied with a grin looking all proud of your answer.

"Dr. Karev book an OR.", Dr. Shepherd turned to Alex before turning to the door and leave. Dr. Karev walked out with her.

You turned around to look to Arizona but you saw her walking towards the door as well following Karev.

"Dr. Robbins, can I talk to you for a minute?", you yelled before she can totally leave the room.

She stopped on her spot and took a few second before she closes the door and turn around to face you.

"Yeah?", she said while looking at you.

"What is happening?", you replied while looking in her eyes.

"Wh- what?", she replied looking away to you.

"You left my apartment without saying any words. You came to me. You kissed me. Make love to me then you left. Gone. Then now, what? You can't even look at me?", you started to feel how mad you are to her.

She looked deeply in your eyes before she answers. "I'm sorry. I know that's wrong. I- I'm just embarrassed. I was so drunk and- and I came to your apartment after I rejected you before. I-I-I feel like I'm a terrible person.", she replied.

You walk closer to her, pinched her chin then smile at her.

"All the things you said to me last night, all that are true?", you replied to her while looking deeply in her eyes.

"Yes. I really missed you. And I really want you. And that seeing you with someone else breaks my heart.", she replied.

"Then you don't have to be embarrassed. But- don't do that again. Don't left me like that again. Okay?", you said to her as you cupped her face with your hands.

"I won't. I'm sorry.", she replied.

She paused for a second without looking away from you before she leans forward and kiss you in the lips.

"Now, let's go and save that kids life.", you break the kiss. You both walkout of the room holding hands and proceed to the OR.

After couple of hours, the operation went smoothly fine. Shepherd let you do the procedure on your own but she's looking closer in every step you'll make. Making sure there's no errors. Everybody in the observation deck clapped and congratulate you for your first successful operation.

After the post ops, you gather your things and went to the parking lot. You saw Arizona waiting for you in her car. You immediately run towards her and hop on.

"Hi Beautiful.", you greeted her with a kiss on the lips.

"Hey there Dr. Awesome.", she replied while leaning towards your kiss.

"You heard that right?", she continued as she drives out of the parking lot.

"What?", you asked looking confused.

"People are amazed by you. You are the main topic in the attending lounge. They said they never seen any resident like you before. They named you Dr. Awesome.", Arizona said smiling broadly. "My girlfriend is awesome.", she added.

"What? Your what?", you replied looking surprised and smiling at the same time. "Go back. What did you just say? I'm your what?", you added. Teasing Arizona.

"You're my girlfriend. A-aren't you?", she replied.

"Am I?", you replied as you continue teasing the blonde.

"Do you want to?", she asked while taking a quick glance on you then back on the road.

"No. Wait-", she added as she pulls over on the side of the road then look back at you. You became confused.

"Dr. Althea Denisse Ellison, will you be my girlfriend?", she asked looking at you intensely. You can't help but smile on how cute her actions are.

"Yeah. I want to.", you answered which causes Arizona to jump on her seat and cupped your face then kiss you.

You laughed on her actions then she drives back on the road to her apartment.

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