Chapter 1: Transfer Students Part 1- Honnouji Academy

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Honnouji Academy- Second Year Class K

Third Person POV

Messy-haired teacher: *lazily* "So, in 1933, the National Socialist German Workers Party aka the Nazis, came to power."

We cut in the scene in the classroom, showing a teacher with untidy blue hair and a glasses writing on the chalkboard while lecturing students in the history lesson

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We cut in the scene in the classroom, showing a teacher with untidy blue hair and a glasses writing on the chalkboard while lecturing students in the history lesson. Most of the students especially a girl with a bowl haircut fallen asleep during the lesson.

Messy-haired teacher: *lazily* "Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor and soon after that the democracy of post-war Germany became fascist regime."

(A/N: Ahhh, history lesson one of my favourite subjects I studied in high school. I never expect this anime to bring this reference in this story.)


There's a loud bang on the metal door which cause the whole class gasping then it all quiet down. The metal door started to creak as a steel handle turns a bit, then comes the second bang shows the steel handle coming loose. Suddenly the metal door was kicked open by a giant white boot and sent flying to the window. The door got slammed to the window causing all the desks and students sent flying.

Messy-haired teacher: *nervous* "Uh... We're in the middle of a lesson here."

There's few sparkles appearing at the doorway, a large muscular young man with short blonde hair who's wearing a white uniform with three stars, barging in the classroom with his menacing face.

Menacing giant: *intimidating* "I'M ON OFFICAL BUSINESS!"

A large number of students with the one star uniform filling up a line in groups. The lecturer jumped back squealing in fear and bowed down towards the giant.

Messy-haired teacher: *feared* "Y-Yes sir..."



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