Chapter 5: No Tardy Day

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Quil POV

???: *enchanting voice* "[My love.]"

I open my eyes by hearing a soothing voice. I look around my surrounding and see where I never thought I would see it again.

 I look around my surrounding and see where I never thought I would see it again

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I'm home....

I am in the lost of thought by the very sight here. The smell of the fresh free air, the sound of the gentle whispering wind, the beautiful sight of the celestial bodies and the clear blue sky. Everything is just it is back home.

Quil: *in mind* 'This is the obviously a dream, but why I am dreaming about this?'

I felt a sense of nostalgia and being overwhelmed by happiness and sadness that I get to see my old home again but in my dream. Everything feels too real to be a mere dream, it been so long, it's been a few decade the last I seen my dying world and now I am here.

Quil: *in mind* 'Who was that voice I heard of? That voice sounds very familiar.... and it warmth my heart as soon I open my eyes here.'


Quil: *noticed* "Who is humming? *calling out* Hello! Is anyone there?"

Realizing that I am not alone here, I am calling and searching for someone who brought out a low and soothing sounds.

???: *gentle song* ♫"The answers you desire, Lay right before your eyes, Each leads down a different road. So now it's time that you, make up your mind and choose, the way you want to go."♫

Quil: *eyes widen* "Wait! Could it be-"

That voice, that calming voice. My body feels like it's going to break down for a moment. This voice belongs to someone who I hold dear until I lost her. I ran down the steep mountain to follow the soothing song in hope to see my beloved.

???: *gentle song* ♫"Although the path ahead seems long, your pain will soon be gone. Like when a rainbow forms, on the asphalt after a storm. Ohhhhhh."♫

Quil: *desperate* "Please be here! Please don't leave!"

???: *gentle song* ♫"LONELY the wind that's blowing by, FEELING is showing me a sign."♫

Filling with a overwhelming emotion, I hastily rushing into the forest. I kept on pleading in hope that my beloved's peaceful song isn't going away.

???: *gentle song* ♫"But it still seems that at times. The answers are gone."♫

Finally caught the direction of her voice, I rush forward deep into the heart of the forest.

???: *gentle song* ♫"CALL ME I already can see, WITH YOU My love will always be Eternally true only FOR YOU."♫

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