Chapter 3: Tennis Mania

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Honno City- Mankanshoku Back-Alley Clinic

Third Person POV

Housewife: "I appreciate of you helping me sorting out the dishes, Quil, but I can handle things around here, it's my job as a housewife."

We cut scene of Quil helping the slim housewife for the dinner's preparation and organizing the dishes.

We cut scene of Quil helping the slim housewife for the dinner's preparation and organizing the dishes

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Sukuyo Mankanshoku

Quil: "It's the least I can do, Mrs. Mankanshoku. I don't want to be a burden to all of you after you invited me in your home as your guest."

Sukuyo: "Please, call me Sukuyo. You make it sound like I am an old lady. I couldn't say no to people who are in need, also I'm happy to see Mako have an endearing friend like you to be around with."

Quil: *embarrassed* "Yeah..."

Sukuyo: "But anyway, you should check up your new friend you brought here. I think my husband is done patching her up."

Quil: *worried* "You are sure that your husband won't do something lecherous? I know I already warned him crucially not to invade the girl's privacy."

Sukuyo: "He may take it first, but I know my husband better than anyone. Whenever there's silence in a house, he's always go and watching over the young attractive girls."

Quil: "Say no more. I got this..."

Quil quickly grabs a glass of water and go to the room where Ryuko is.

Quil: *in mind* 'He better take this warning seriously or he's in....'

After the whole unfortunate event back at the academy, both Quil and Mako found Ryuko unconscious at the lower district then took her in Mako's home. Quil met every other Mankanshoku family on the same day when he first met Mako and befriended by them. Quil bonded with Mako's mom due to being obedient and well-mannered foreigner and simultaneously Sukuyo being generous and friendly woman who considers his well-being and openly welcomes her home. For Mako's father, well...


Quil: *eyes widen* "Oh Aeolus, she's up."

Quil dashes to the room and enter it witnessing, the infuriating Ryuko holding her scissor blade with Mako by her side, in front of them there's a overweight man crouching on the floor in pain. 

Quil: *sweatdrop* "....Well that was inconvenient."

Ryuko: *surprised* "Quil?"

Quil explains to Ryuko what happened after her fight at the academy. Ryuko is stun after being told that man who she accusing him as a pervert is Mako's father. Embarrassed by her action, she immediately bows on the floor for forgiveness.

Ryuko: *bows* "I'm so sorry!"

Quil: *wry laughter* "You don't have to apologize. I did warned him about this outcome. *handling her a water* Here, drink this."

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