Emnu x Rui💗

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A/N:this is one of my ships that I love and this story genre is fluff so enjoy!

Emnus pov
I woke up and groaned as I got out of bed and got dressed and ready for the day(night). I walked out of my room to find all the uppermoons in the living room. I saw my boyfriend on the edge of the couch and I walked over to him and cuddled up next to him. He cuddled me back as he patted my head and continued talking to the others. All of a sudden i felt something tickling my nose. So I sneezed twice and heard everyone stop talking and stare at me. I stopped and stared back "what's wrong?" I said confused. "Your nose is red babe." Rui said with worry in his voice. I look up at him and then I start coughing. "Hey go to bed I'll be there in a moment." Rui said softly. "Oh ok!" After I said that I started coughing again so I quickly got up and went to my room.

Ruis pov
I got up to go get my boyfriend some medicine(yes they have medicine😭). I walked to his room with some liquid medicine to give him it. I knocked on the door and I heard a "come in!" And I came in and gave him the medicine. "Go to sleep and I'll give you some more tonight.." I said with a soft tone. "Ok..." emnu said already sleep. I smiled and walked out the room and went back to the others.


I walked back into his room to give him more medicine and I put the medicine back and went back into his room to cuddle him while we sleep.

A/N: this story is now finished! I hope you enjoy the story!!!

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