Sanegiyuu (🖤💗❤️‍🔥)

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A/N: OK so the title is the order of the story and this is a genderblend story, giyuus name is Gigi and Sanemis name is Sammy, so enjoy!!

Modern au

Gigis pov:
'God why am I so useless?!' I thought to myself as I cried uncontrollably. I started throwing things in my room in anger and collapsed on the floor as tears raced down my pale face. I cried even harder as I let out small screams of pain. Then I just...lost it.... I let out a loud scream just out of nowhere. I'm sure the whole world can hear it, that how loud it was. I continued to cry harder then ever now. I heard a knock on my window and looked up to see it was my girlfriend Sam. I quickly opened the window and hugged her tightly as she jumped through my window. "Now tell me what happened.." Sam said as her as her hands rushed through my long black hair. "I-I..." I stuttered out and then everything was spilling out of my mouth like a cup of water spilling into the sink and down the drain. We sat on my bed and she cuddled me until my face was dry. She gave me kisses all over my face, and I mean they were wet to. "Stop!!"i managed to laugh out as she kept giving me more of her wet kisses. "Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!!" Sam made the sound as kisses formed on my pale face. We paused for a moment and then we started to share a heated kiss. "Mmm~..." I groaned out in pleasure. We break the kiss to breathe. Sam pushes me on my back and now she's on top of me. "Do I have your consent?" Sam asked with concern not wanting her lover to do something against her will.

Third person:
Gigi nodded and Sam took off her shirt to reveal her bra. "God your so beautiful.." Sam said kissing Gigi softly. "I love you..." Gigi said quietly. Sam almost unclipped her bra but stopped again and ask for permission and again Gigi nodded. Sam unclipped the bra and took it off to reveal Gigis boobs. Sam put her mouth on her nipple and sucked as the other hand tried to get her shorts and panties off. Sam took the hand that was holding the boob she was sucking and used it to help get the other hand that was trying to get the shorts off. They finally came off as Sam stopped and fingered Gigi, Gigi moaned out. "S-Sam!~" Gigi said trying to move Sams fingers out of her. Sam moved Gigis hand away and went even faster and smirked as she looked up at Gigi and seeing her destroyed. "Don't worry I'm almost done with you.." Sam said calmly. " N-ngh S-sam!~" Gigi managed to moan out. "Keep moaning my name out you slut.." Sam said as she moved faster and faster. "I-I'm close!!" Gigi said with more tears streaming down her face(tears of pleasure). Gigi came on sams fingers and Sam just licked it all up.

After all the after care!

Sam and Gigi were in bed cuddling and Gigi fell asleep and let out tiny snores. Sam laughed and fell asleep soon after.

A/N: here's a new story and I hope you enjoy!!!

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