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A/N: this is a request by @Loundybundy this is a smut and the ship is Kokushibo x Nakime anyways enjoy<3

Nakimes pov
I was zoning out like usual until Kokushibo came up to me. He could tell I was shaking, "Calm down." He said with a blank expression. I calmed down and looked up at him with my bangs covering my eye. "I... need help with something.." Kokushibo said with a tone that confused me. I gave him a nod and he said afterwards "Can you teleport us to my room?". I gave him another nod and a second later we were in his room. "Please sit on the bed.." he said looking away from me with flushed cheeks. I sat down on the bed as he took off his kimono to reveal his boxers. I felt my cheeks heat up and I didn't know what to say as I stared at the boner in shock. "This is what I need help with.." Kokushibo said still avoiding eye contact. "I-I'll help." I said looking down also avoiding eye contact with him. "T-thank you." The taller male said with a pleasing tone. He got on the bed and pushed me near the pillows as we made out in heat. He slid off my kimono halfway off my shoulders and stopped the kiss to ask for consent to go further. I gave him a nod and he continued to slide my kimono down until it got under my breasts. He looked at me again and I nodded as he put his mouth on my right breast and started sucking. "Mmm~" I moaned out. He stopped sucking and pushed me back onto the bed while he pulled down his boxers revealing a long and big dick. "I-is that gonna fit?.." I asked with worry in my voice. "It s-should.." the male stuttered out. I opened my legs to reveal my vagina quickly turning my head away in embarrassment. "Is it ok if I slide it in?.." Kokushibo said mumbling. I nodded and felt him slowly push in. I bite my lip and almost cried. "Are you ok?" Kokushibo said looking at me with softness in his eyes. "It's.. to big..." Kokushibo nodded and let me adjust for a moment, I gave him a sign when I was ready. He then slowly started moving his hips back and forth. I threw my head back and softly moaned out his name. "F-faster please~" I said still biting my lip but harder this time and I ended up drawing blood from my lip. Kokushibo went faster, completing my request. The faster he went the louder my moans got. "MmMm~" I moaned out holding back my moans. I was crying now from the pain mixed in with the pleasure I was receiving. I-I'm close~" I said with tears falling down my face. "I am to just hold on a bit.." Kokushibo said as he sped up his pace a lot. I was covering my mouth so I wouldn't be so loud. After a few more thrusts we cummed together. Kokushibo pulled out and carried me to the bathroom to clean us up.

After the Aftercare!

I was laying on Kokushibos chest and I mumbled out a "That was good.." before falling asleep leaving the flushed man awake until he also fell asleep.

A/N:IM FINALLY DONE! I'm sorry I haven't updated I've just been unmotivated and lazy plus it's the last 9 weeks of school and I need to pay attention for these last 9 weeks so yeah! I hope you enjoyed BYE!<3

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