Uzuren x uzuis wives❤️‍🔥

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A/N: this story will have kinks and slut degrading! Enjoy!!


Rengokus pov:
I was on my knees sucking my husbands cock blindfolded and tied up as the girls were blindfolded with a vibrator in their ass our kitty(I felt weird typing that). You might be thinking how did we get into this situation? Well I'll tell you... Me and the girls were fighting over cookies.. yes cookies! Hina ate the last one and uzui got tired of us and said we needed a punishment for fighting. So that's how we got into this mess. My blindfold was all messy and soggy because of my tears of pleasure. I heard tengen groan as he released in my mouth. I opened my mouth as I still tasted some of his seed in my mouth. I was panting then I yelped as I was thrown onto the bed and pounded into. "F-fuck!!" I yelled out as tengen kept on pounding. He knew I was over simulated but kept on going. After a good ten minutes he released in me again and called me a slut and stoped to fuck the girls.

Sumas pov:
I felt the vibrator leave my kitty and I felt  Lord tengen slide in. "A-ah!~" I moaned out as he started to slam into me. I moaned louder that ever. Lord tengen had never went this hard on me. He went faster and I just cried and moaned. He planted kisses on my salty cheeks and whispered softly in my ear. I shivered at the sudden touch. "I want you to say my name or I'll punish you more.." Lord tengen whispered in my ear softly. I whispered out "L-lord tengen!~". But he wasn't taking it. "Louder slut.." he said in a seductive tone. I moaned out lord tengen and he released his seed into me. "Good girl..." lord tengen said as he pulled out and gave me salty kiss. And then he was off to fuck Makio or Hina.

Makios pov:
I felt tengen lift up my chin and I opened my mouth as I felt his tip on my bottom lip. Then he slid it in. I sucked and moaned as the vibrator shook inside me. Tengen groaned as I moaned. I continued to suck as he grabbed the back of my head and shoved it deeper. "Mmm~.." I moaned out. I felt his gaze upon me. "I'm close slut~.." tengen warned me before he released into my mouth. When he released he kissed my forehead and went onto the last person hina.

Hinas pov:
(Just know I prefer hina more kinky in bed 😏)I was the last person tengen was going to fuck. I felt tengen move the vibrator out of my kitty and slide himself in. "Mmm!~" I moaned out in a very seductive tone. I bite my lip as tengen pounds into me fast. "O-oh god!" I moaned out panting. "God your so tight hina!" Tengen moaned out knowing he said it with a smirk. He knew I was at my limit from the vibrator but he didn't care and continued. I felt him pull my hair and I moaned so loud. He released into me and pulled out.

Third person:
Tengen untied everyone and unfolded them and got them ready to go take a bath. After that rengoku was already asleep with suma. So the others decided to sleep also.

A/N: bro this took 2 hours to write😭😭please enjoy this😭

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