Chapter 1: The Favor Part 1

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~Betrayals Chapter 1: Isabel Anne Keller~

Isabel's POV

Once upon a time,there was a girl who lives in London and lives happily ever after......

Damn, cut the shit. (oops sorry for the word) okay so this is not some lovey-dovey story. Ugh, I'm haven't even fallen in love to be exact. I'm Isabel Anne Keller, an 18 year old student who lives in London with my mum. I know, I know! I'm a big girl living with my mum. But why, you may ask. It's because I'm too scared to live my life and you know... Y.O.L.O . I'm too damn scared to face the reality that I actually need to live lonely with my up's and down's of life. I'm just scared to be left hanging with my problems. It's hella scary for me. I also think that I'm one of the lamest kids ever. All the cool kids lost their v-cards and I'm still holding onto mine. Tightly. I'm 18 with absolute no boyfriend and I haven't even kissed a guy in my whole life! I don't even like to kiss a guy in their lips......or do i? I'm purely innocent here! If there were basic rules in love, my mom didn't teach me tho-

"Annieeeeeee! Can you open the door for me?"

I came back to reality when there was a sudden knock, or like a bang, on the door and I really hate being interrupted.

My mum screams from outside, I can even hear her car slams shut. And yeah, my mum calls me 'Annie' but it's supposed to be '-Anne'..She said my father's the one who needs to be blamed for naming me Anne not Annie.. But about the *father topic*, she doesn't want to talk about it since I was 4....

"DID YOU BUY FOOD?" I asked, walking lazily down stairs. Ugh why do I even have this damn lazy ass? Why can't I have those asses that's too sporty and-

"Yeeeeeess! So get your lazy bum here and open the door! There's Wings here by the waaaay!" My mum answered.

Shit! Wings! Oh my fucking god! This is one of my 2473856437 reasons why I love my mum. I quickly jogged and opened the door to help her with those heavy shopping bags. I bet she bought another dress for me but hey, I don't wear dresses. i'm okay with jeans plus tops or sweats.. they're perfectooo...

"Muuuuuum,where's the wingssssss?" I asked as I place the heavy shopping bags down. Anything about food, I would care about. But these are wings we're talking about here.

"In here hon, I think I threw the bag on the counter, just check it ou-" "Whaaaat!? MOM! FOOD IS LOVE! YOU DON'T JUST THROW FOOD AROUND CARELESSLY!!" I immediatly ran to the counter and picked the bag and place it to MY plate. Hell I won't even share it..

"Awww, my mum threw you? I'm sorry babe. " I bit my lower lip first before I hungrily munched on the wings. I'm always hungry by the way *wink* . Food is my life, food is everything, food is my love, food is my-... My phone rang twice. Ugh,I quickly reached for it and slid it open revealing my best friend's text.

Zina: Heeeey Yssa! Wanna come over tonight? My dad isn't coming home till the day after tom. :) <3

Me: Oh hey Zina ;) . Ok I'm coming over, but promise me there's a lot of food or I will bother you for the rest of the night ;) and P.S NO fangirling about that One Dimension?

I replied. And yes, My best friend Zina Mellet which is my ONLY close friend since I was 11 is always fangirling about that Boyband called One Dimension or One Dissection or something but who cares I'm not into them. They're the popish boyband, who every girl practically shouts about, and they are WAY out of my league. I'm into the middle part of Rocky-Pop type of music. Not pure pop. I'm fangirling with 5 Seconds Of Summer, I mean their songs are rocky and popish you know, it's sooo catchy! My phone buzzed again.

Zina: You mean One Direction? -_- Gosh Yssa,You literaly forgot about it when I always say it like a billion times a day? You broke my heart </3

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