Chapter 7: Unexpected

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Isabel's POV

I told Zina everything. I told her the things Ashton and I talked about. When I was telling her the story earlier. She seemed so bothered. I can see her acting all so happy but I knew her insides were not. But why? Isn't she happy for me because I am friends with 3/4 of 5SOS? She knew my dream and that would be for me to actually be friends with them. She seems so weird for these past few days. I'm wondering if she's hiding something. 'No Isabel, You're friends and that's against your friendship rules' . Oh yeah! the friendship rules! One of them is to Never Hide Anything. I hope she'll follow that because I hate liars. I don't want to end our friendship just because of white lies or heavy lies. I really don't want to-

"Might wanna think of what you'll wear tomorrow?" Zina appeared in my room.

"The usual." I snapped.

"Touché." She dragged me out of our house. Literaly. I can't move! She's stronger than I thought she is!

"What's with the dragging thing? You nearly ripped off my ar-"

"Shut up. No usual. Tomorrow's a big day so we'll shop for your sake!" She's gasping for air. Am I really that heavy to drag?

"Are you saying that my fashion sucks?" I fake hurt expression.

"Did I say anything? No, so shut the heck up and we have to walk in to the nearest damn clothing shop." She held my wrist and then started dragging me again.

"Walk? Uhh..." I hate walkiiiiing..

"C'mon! Get your lazy ass out of your lawn and start walking before I drag you again."

I rolled my eyes. Is she really that cranky?


We ended up shopping at Forever 21.

She forced me to try anything she has in her crazy little mind.

To cut the crap: I refused everything. The colorful tank tops. The neon shorts. Everything.

"Ms. Keller, Ms. Mellet said if you could please try these." The sales lady handed me the clothes. she's been helping Zina pick clothes that could match my eyes and skin tone. I really don't get the point though.

"Okay, Thanks. " I smiled.

I went in to the fitting room. Scanning the clothes I have in my basket.

"Neon? No. Bright blue? No. Short shorts?! Ew no. Strapless? No. Stripes? Oooooh..."

I finally found a design I want even though it's neither black nor grey. It's White Tank top with blue stripes and a printed I ♥ OZ on it. OZ as in Oziee like Aussie. .haha get it? no?

And also a matching shorts with shade - shifting dark blue to white color in it. See? I don't even know what is it called. I can only explain it. Ugh. I tried it and it fits my body perfectly. Ugh these curves are showing. This suck-

"Hey, Gemma! Could you hurry your ass u-" Someone barged in to my fitting room..

"WHAT THE HELL??" I shouted.

"Oh shit, Sorr- Oooh hey sexy!" The curly haired boy smirked and winked at me.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT. GET OUT!" I forgot that I'm wearing these clothes. I quickly covered my body with my black jacket.

The curly haired boy shook his head.

"I like the view so no." He but his lower lip.

"Hey you dipshit! Get your nasty ass out of here before I beat your goddamn balls!" I threat.

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