Chapter 34: Frankie, Steve, and 5sos

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Isabel's POV

Zina and I signed the contract. I'm really having second thoughts. Zina believed that nothing can go wrong if we stick to our plan. The plan that would be so hard to follow. The plan which makes my guts flip and want to throw up because I knew to myself that it can't be controlled. The plan that no one can predict.

"Just don't fall in love."

Zina's voice echoed in the back of my mind. I honestly think that's inevitable to fall in love but for Harry? Psh, we're so different for I to fall in love with him. It'll be a mess if one of us broke that one important rule. Isn't it obvious that Zayn fancies Zina? I mean, the way Zayn looked at her is so different. A good different which brings spark when they locked on each other's eyes.

I frustratingly sigh and ran a hand on my hair before opening the door of my suite. I guess this'll be my home for the next two months? It wouldn't be that bad right?

I found them cleaning my kitchen and of course, Louis and Niall didn't help. Louis was eating his carrot cake and Niall was on his phone. I head on my room without anyone noticing me. Gosh, I could get robbed here without them noticing a single move of a particular person.

I tied my hair into a messy bun and fixed myself before going out to the living room. I personally think that I look like I've been in a fight with a squirrel or something. I look like a mess.

"Yssa! Darling, Thank you for the carrot cakes." Louis continued to eat the left cakes without sharing.

"Yeah, Thanks to you we don't have to eat hotel food again. Lovely breakfast by the way." Niall complimented and went back to his phone business.

Zina finally arrived in my suite with a red puffy eyes. I was there when she cried. I remembered earlier that she told me that one of his huge crush on her friends' uni finally had a girlfriend which is definitely not her. I haven't seen her crush so I can't judge. It hurted her so damn much because she always thought that this guy would like her in a way that Zayn wouldn't so she basically believed that 'the guy' is better than Zayn. Well, In my opinion, Zayn is the best for her but Perrie's in between and that is definitely the worst part of her work for two months.

"Yssa, babe. Where'd yah go? I missed you." A pair of arms snaked on my waist and all eyes flickered on me. My face went red and I swear I can feel my face heating up like stupid. Niall quickly stood up and walked out, Zayn pulled Zina into another room, Gemma squeals like a fangirl, Liam gave me a thumbs up, and Louis of course gasped.

"Babe? Babe!? Harry, I thought what we had was special!" Louis complained and I gasped too, playing along with his act.

"What!? Louis! You're my husband and you're having an affair with Harry? How horrid!" I fake cry and Harry pulled me in a hug. He tries to calm me and Louis groans and walked away. Harry, Liam,and I bursted out laughing and we can see that Louis was out of comebacks. Well, guess who's best in comebacks now.

"Seriously, Yssa. Where were you? Harry was worried. " Liam closed his loptop and faced me.

"Well, I kind of...uhhh...We...I went-" I struggled to find words but Zina cuts me off.

"Coincidentally, We saw each other on the lobby and talked for a while since we haven't spend time with each other." Zina finished my sentence and I can see Zayn frowning. What happened to them?

"Anyway, babe. Have you decided about my offer?" Harry tries to take a sniff on my neck but I purposely walked towards Zina. She gave me a sly smirk and I pull her into some room.

"Will I agree? " I asked. She knew what happened last night during the date. She said earlier while we were signing that it could be my first step on working for this task.

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