Chapter 43: Realization

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Isabel's POV

My heart is beating so fast. I don't know what to do. I'm confused, shocked, panicked yet happy with this situation.

Harry didn't continue to throw a punch towards Luke. His fist is frozen inches from Luke's face. I don't know if I should be happy with this but I feel so bad for leading Luke into our so called misunderstanding. I didn't intend for Luke to get involved, He was just being the friend I need before I broke down from myself.

"Harry?! Harry, What the hell are you doing!" I flinched as Louis and Liam separate Harry from Luke. My body is numb to move, I wanted to say something but I couldn't think of anything.

"Luke, mate, Are you okay?" Calum came into the scene with Kate walking towards me. Am I a statue or? because I'm literally numb.

"Yssa, what happened? You okay?" Kate rubbed my right arm. Okay? Am I okay? Well, are you going to be okay with your boyfriend almost hitting yours and his best friend? Is that fucking okay?!

I just nodded even though I want to burst my opinion. I don't want to scare Kate away, I mean, we get along pretty well so I don't want to show her my negative traits.

"Let's go." Luke grabbed my wrist but Kate hesitated to let go of my arm.

"Luke, maybe right now isn't a good time." Kate removed Luke's hands that gripped my wrist. Oh, should I be moving right now?

"Yeah, fuck off." Harry mumbled. Even though he almost whispered, All of us heard what he said so then Louis smacked the back of his head.


I'm lying on my bed. Kate brought me back, I haven't said a word to anyone. I only hummed to agree on Kate's questions that I need to answer. She didn't ask or said a word about the earlier situation, and I'm happy with it. She's like Zina, She never brings the topic that'll totally ruin my day...


I'm just bothered how Zina tried to ask me things once she saw me stumbling across her suite. I didn't want to ignore her but then again, I wasn't in the mood for a talk or some shit that relates to speaking.


The last thing he said to me before he dashed off to where the scene happened was; "Text me when you're ready."

I just nodded at him though I didn't understand his words at first. I was a bit confused of what point is he stating at. Plus, I was afraid of him getting mad at me for bringing him into this chaos. But he said it was okay and he'll always be there for me whenever I need him.

I don't know if that's a good thing or not because I knew I can't make my feelings towards Luke conquer my feelings for Harry. Luke is way different from Harry. They have their own ways to lighten my day and worth to live for, but I was bummed when Hendall issue came up. And Luke was there for me, technically Michael too. I wish it isn't too hard to identify if people really likes you back or not. I knew Zina and I's task are way far too long for us to suffer, but we already signed it and there's no going back. We barely survived a week and these some kind of situations were brought up which made Zina and I's work too damn hard. Luke,Michael and the other lads besides Harry knew that I'm struggling, but not one of them had the guts to ask what it is. Though Luke is trying to make me spill the whole thing, I can notice it. The time we were alone earlier; He tried to slightly bring up or ask if I was okay because I should know that he'll be there for me. But basically, I couldn't tell him because my life can lead to jeopardy, or theirs too. I trust him, but I just can't spill the shit I'm going through especially that he's fucking friends with our gang. And I don't want to ruin our images in Luke's point of view. That'll make me a bitchy type. I wasn't needed to act like a bitch, so why bother? Maybe just for Harry in a while.

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