Chapter 24: Confessions

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Isabel's POV

I'm currently sitting on a swing here in the old park not far from the hotel I'm staying. I'm too confused. To be honest, I really don't want to go out on a date with Harry yet I have this feeling of wanting to also because I used to believe that every people have their own bright side or known as the good side. I don't judge. Harry seems to be dark and cold to people but still I have this feeling of wanting to get to know him more to see if he has that bright side of him. Harry being nice seems weird to the boys because they're used that Harry is dark and cold but with me, Harry being nice seems so fine yet uncomfortable because he really can't be nice as the other people do.

Damn it, Yssa. I'm so goddamn confused! I don't know which way to go to or which reason to point out! I need Zina for this but she's on Harry's side which pisses me off because she's the damn root of all these! It's nerve wreckin'! I can't just-

"Isabel? Is that you?" Some guy's voice said whilst I felt my heart beating so fast. Shit, who the hell is this now?

"Yssa? Is that really you? It's Ash." Ashton!? Ashton's here!? Finally! Some guy who could understand my misery!

"Ashton? Yeah, It's Isabel. Where are you?" I try to look around in the dark. Seems pretty cold and dark which shivers shits on my spine.

"Right here." Ashton pinched my cheek and I giggle.

"Why are you here? How'd you know I'm-" I said but Ashton blocked my face with his hands.

"I was just walking around with Cal and I lost him. While I was trying to find him, I saw you walking around too and sat here on this old swing." He gestured the swing I'm sitting at.

"Hmmm..Yeah. Wait, Calum's here?" I asked trying to look around if He's anywhere near us.

"Yeah, but I can't seem to find him since He ran away to catch a firefly. " He smiled. I stood up and try to push away my thoughts.

"Let's go and find him." I walked beside him to find Calum. Wherever he is, I bet He's dying of thinking where the hell he is.

"You know, I have this guy which pisses me off but still I want to get to know him." I tell him and broke our silence while trying to find Calum

"Really? Well, That's seems to be complicated. " He slightly smirked. I push my hair away from my face.

"Do you think I will say yes on dating him even though He's annoying and shit? Or no?" I said to him. He frowned a bit and He just shrugged.

"I dunno, Yssa." He fully frowned. I looked down. I wish someone would understand me.

"Ashtooooon! " Someone cooed.

I turn around and sure it is Calum standing with twigs on his hair.

"What happened, Cal?" I try not to laugh of what I see right now. It's like He's been raped by a firefly and He ran then suddenly He bumped into a tree and twigs fell on his hair.

"I don't want to talk about it, Miss Whoever you are." Calum turned away from me and approached Ashton. I internally laughed at Cal who didn't even recognise my voice.

"Excuse you? I'm Isabel Keller for goodness sake!" I tried not to say it too loud.

"No, you're no-Oh, Hi Yssa! I didn't know you're here!" Calum happily jumped like a kid.

I facepalm. So our fandom is right, Calum's childish as ever.

"Yeah. Uh..Hey Ash, Can I talk to Cal for a minute? " Ashton nods and I pulled Calum into the dark side of the park.

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