Chapter 4: Suspects

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Zina's POV

That was close...Shit, Did I show any emotion there? Did she notice? God, why did she ask that question anyway? It scared my nerves.

I told her I wouldn't but still I can't tell her. If I tell her, the management would kill me! Literally though but from the contract I signed, If this goes well, Yssa will be working for them too and give us 6 grand after a month or two. If we get that money, we will have enough to own a house, go to Uni and live together so we won't be lonely and be dependent to our parents which will probably be married by the end of the year. They better be ready for Yssa's reaction when they tell her. Yssa will flip and it may affect our friendship. We're going to be stepsisters for God's sake! I bet Dad knows also that Yssa's just ado-

"Hey Zina, What do you want to eat for dinner?" She saw me sitting here in the yard.

"Huh what? Oh, uhm, whatever yah want." She looks at me confused. Well, She's not the only one who's confused here! I am too! I insist a declaration for peace!

"Yeah okay. Does Pizza sounds good to yah?"

"Hmmm...Yeah, I guess?" It sounded like a question! Answer straight and normal, Zina or everything will flip!

"Mmmmm 'kay" She went back into the kitchen.

My phone rang. Looking at the caller I.D. Oh God, It's the goddamn management again. Sighing I accepted the call.

"Hello?" There's a bit of silence.

"Hi, yeah, This is Steve. I just want to confirm the deal and tell you that the concert will be moved to the day after tomorrow. The 1D's dressing room will be at the second hall while the 5SOS' dressing room will be the first hall to the left."

Geez, His voice is deep. Scary.

"Oh yeah okay, thanks for the information and may I ask you how will they know us? What if we get kicked out because-"

"No no Ms.Mellet, Paul will be guiding you two from outside to inside."

Who the heck is Paul?

"Who's Paul?" My eyebrows furrowed.

"One Direction's private security. He'll be guiding you the whole time so stay calm and don't forget to act normal."

Normal? Pffft. What do you think of us? Aliens?

"Yeah, yeah okay, We would." I said.

"Okay, so Ms.Mellet this is a big secret and no one -"

"-no one could ever know. Even Isabel. Copy that Mr. Steve." I finished his sentence and hung up. God, He takes too long.

I guess I really need to be careful.

Isabel's POV

I ordered Pizza moments ago... And yeah, I guess I'm feeling Hawaiian Pizzas for tonight!

Checking my mail quickly and preparing juice for us makes me crazy! Multi-tasking is tiring...wait...why am I doing this at the same time anyway? As if the time would run out, haha time would run out..get it? no? pfft.

Mentally slapping myself when I saw Zina talking on the phone. Am I really that nosy to listen to her conversations with business?

"-no one could ever know even Isabel. Copy that Mr. Steve." She said.

I heard my name. My name was mentioned, that means they must be talking about me. But, who the hell is Mr. Steve?

And no one could know what? Why am I involved in this?

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