Chapter 3: Black

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Isabel's POV

Pssssh..I thought it was THE Harry Styles but no. It was just a fake account. Sighing my panic reaction. Damn, I really need to learn how to use Twitter rather than tweeting Luke and the other Aussie lads to follow me.I know they wouldn't even read it or see it but it'll be worth to try. So much for fangirling...

Since last night, Zina and I haven't brought up the topic because She knows I'm still pissed at her with the part of One Direction (oooooh, I remembered the name! Crowd goes wild!!!) thing yet I'm happy for the part that I have the chance to see my husband and co-husbands. Haha, I sound absolutely like a carrot... I smiled at my thought. Wishing I never picked the mail I saw yesterday because of it, I need to go to that damn concert and fangirl. I mean I'm quite bipolar. The minute I'm kind of Gothic the next minute I'm fangirling like a crazy carrot but who wouldn't? The Luke Hemmings is the hottest guy in the world . He's quite the guy for me but it will never happen anyway.

And for the night I spent yesterday at Zina's house was crazy! We watched scary movies and romance which annoys the shit out of me because it's too cliché.Still, I watch them because I knew to myself that it would just be in movies and not in real life. "Not in reality, just fantasy. " I say. I based the thought from my parents because yano my Dad's gone since I was 3? I don't really remember such a thing about Him. All I knew is that one day He's all scary and shit and the next day He's ditching mum and I . Sometimes, I wonder if He's really my father because we really don't look-alike and my personality doesn't fit with his. Even mum, She really looks different same as dad but except for the part that mum is a lovely person and understands my situation of being observant about my appearance and theirs. She used to convinced me that it doesn't matter physically, what matters is emotionally. Mum and I really got along well but oppositely with dad. He doesn't give a shit about me anyway.

Ugh, Enough of my thoughts for now. I really am nosy and observant sometimes and I forgot to think that I actually have people around me to talk to and not myself because yano, people may think I'm crazy speaking to my conscience.

This morning seemed to be quite different actually. I left Zina's house around Tenish and went home straight to take care of Frankie. He's sweet, and lovable. Sometimes I talk to him about my problems and even he can't talk. I can see it in his eyes that He cares for what I am saying. Even my darkest hours, He's always there.

Cooking for myself took a lot of energy. I am alone in this house. See? this is why I don't wanna live in my own house because I'm afraid of being alone. Zina doesn't want to either because she felt safe with her dad who's really close to my mum. They even went out for dinner leaving Zina and I at our house or their house. It's really bothering me but Zina alwats shrugs when I ask her questions like:

Are they....two....yano...a thing?


Do you think one of them had developed feelings for them to be like this?

She wasn't bothered by the view of them so close together. What bothers her are my questions which I thought was really weird.So I just try to forget about it and move on.

I saw a note sticking onto my mirror beside the frame with an image of Frankie and I. I picked the note and it said:


I got to do some errands with Troye until next weekend so I won't be going home until then. Troye said Zina will be sleeping at our house for a few nights. Is it okay hon? Sorry for not telling you this personally. I'm quite preoccupied with work.


"Oh." I said to myself. 'Course she's with him. Always do. I frown. Anyways, If Zina's going to sleep here I guess I need to be the 'responsible' one because technically I'm older than her said by mum. Ugh, She's the chidlish one! I laughed at that thought. haha, I am too. We're teens but acts like a 5 year old kid trying to get ahold of life. We're innocent. No jobs, No boyfriends, and No shit was given to us by people because we ignore them. We don't even know them so why give a damn?

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