7 stages.

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Stages 1 and 2

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Stages 1 and 2.

See, there were 7 stages. 7 stages occurred over the timeline. First, there was a disturbance. It wasn't anything significant at first. It was manageable, and over time, they were able to deal with it together. Everything was in order for the most part. This was tame. A war field before the war took place. But see, then there was the upheaval. The first stage was only the figurehead, a threat that invited itself, went away, and made it seem as if things were going to be fine from then on. Unfortunately, this was only a deception. The upheaval is what really started the chaos. The upheaval was the war itself. The upheaval was a natural disaster, destroying an entire ecosystem. It could also be an invasive species. Even a drought. A famine could pass too. Food webs becoming unbalanced. Population fluctuations, competition for shelter and food. A natural disaster could destroy trees and grass. An invasive species could hog food sources and shelter, killing off species that lived there originally. A famine could lead to mass death through starvation. A drought would do the same, only through dehydration. These are the types of events that defined the upheaval. The upheaval came hand in hand with intense wrath. This stage may also lead to signs of decay, but the damage usually isn't enough to leave a very detrimental mark. Essentially, effects may be severe, but they aren't  entirely irreversible.

 Essentially, effects may be severe, but they aren't  entirely irreversible

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2023 ⏰

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