Full-Tilt Diva

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O-fucking-kay. Burying that thought 50 feet.


He wasn't going to take this. Since when does Tony Stark not have a fucking spine? He straightened his back, cleared his throat, and said, "Okay, so, here's what we're not gonna do," Loki looked beyond pissed, but Tony decided he enjoyed putting that look on his face. "You're in my house, under my roof, uninvited need I remind you. I could effortlessly tell Point Break: you are here and well. Well, as well as you can be."

Tony continued, and Loki shut him out. The god knew that he was in a pretty shitty predicament, and he knew that he wouldn't be able to get out of this shitty predicament without help. It hurt Loki. He knew that without this mortal's help, he would die. And that did wonders to his pride, but he figured that if he was already at rock bottom. What more could he lose? He'll be able to throw his pride out the window, along with his dignity, if he had to.

"Stop," he called, but it sounded pathetic. Since all the adrenaline had seeped out of him, he no longer could sound authoritative. And that caught Stark's attention. "The situation I am in is dire. I know that it would do me right if I listened to you, but the more you keep talking, the more likely I will pass out from blood loss."

Tony listed three things within those sentences. One, Loki never actually agreed to listen. He just said that he knew it would be in his best interest if he did. Two, he was asking for help. And three, he wasn't asking. He was demanding. He was telling Tony to do something without specifically telling him to do it.

And Tony told himself that that would be the last time he'd listen to Loki without a second thought.

It's been a day and a half since Loki crash-landed right in the middle of Tony's lab. On day one, Tony observed that Loki wasn't a talker. Tony had expected that to some extent, but the god was unusually silent as Tony did his work. It was unnerving. But on the second day ( which wasn't even over), he couldn't stop. Tony had come down to two reasons. One, the god was delirious. Or two, he loved the sound of his voice.

With the information Tony knows, A.) Loki's a full-tilt diva. And B.) he was injured severely only a couple of hours ago, Stark decided it was both reasons for the god's newfound care-free attitude.

"Stark, I require sustenance," Loki said with an unusual amount of satisfaction.

"StArk, I reQuIre SUStenanCe." Tony mocked him loudly and clearly. He even tried going for Loki's accent, which he butchered if the god's face was anything to go by. "What do you want me to do about that Reindeer Games? I didn't exactly expect you to come crash at my place until you get back on your feet. I rarely eat as it is anyway, so you're just going to have to wait until I'm hungry."

"But darling, won't you tell your spirit servant to gather food? I'm sure he'd managed fine."

Tony visibly short-circuited at the word darling used to address him. Loki saw his reaction and laughed as best as he could. It sounded like a wheeze under his breath.

Before Stark could do anything or say anything, a knock came upon the lab door that scared them both. Dread filled Tony's stomach. He felt like throwing up. He knew holding Loki in here would get him in great trouble, but he didn't stop to think about his situation in depth until this moment. Even though it's been seconds since that horrible knock hit the door, a thousand thoughts ran through his head. He didn't speak. He didn't move. He needed a drink.

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