Screw Normal

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Tony felt like shit, but one can only assume that comes with staying up till the ass crack of dawn for 3 days in a row. It was kind of scary when Tony counted the days he'd stay up. It wasn't normal, but Tony Stark wasn't a normal guy. He'd drink coffee and alcohol like a man dying of thirst in the Sahara desert. He also had an IQ of 270 so screw normal.

He finally set foot out of his lab and was met with the rest of the Avengers in the common room. Thor was sitting on the couch with a controller in his hand. Clint had decided that if the god needed to learn Earth culture, the Last of Us was a good way to start. 

Thor saw Tony from the corner of his eye and smiled. "Ah, friend Stark. I was concerned that you were going through a rough time. I would have made my way and dragged you out of your playroom had you decided to stay in there any longer."

"There he is." Said Clint, "Was starting to think you died in there." 

Clint came and patted Tony on his shoulder.

"Yeah, I thought I'd drop by, to see how everyone is doing. I also ran out of scotch." That last part was a lie, but Tony didn't need his team to think he'd gone sappy. 

"If you keep drinking to the extent that you do you'll die, but I'm sure you already know that," Natasha said, seemingly appearing from the shadows. When did she even get here? She startled Tony.

"Jesus Tasha, you act as if you don't pick which poison you consume every night."

If anybody can rival Tony's drinking weight it's Natasha. gods and genetically modified supersoldiers don't count.

"Touche," is all she said.

"Banner, buddy," Tony whined.

From a stool, Bruce looked up through his glasses and moved his newspaper out of the way.

"Yes, Tony?"

"Can you make me eggs?" Stark pleaded

Bruce only sighed but made some anyway. He wouldn't say it with everyone around, but he only did it because he knew Tony lied to him the last time they spoke through the door. He knew Tony didn't have an aversion to food, he just couldn't take care of himself, no matter how genius he was. Bruce just wanted his first friend in such a long time to be safe.

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