What Did You Do?

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"How about this," Loki offered. He talked with such stillness. He clocked his head to the side. Tony couldn't help but feel entranced. It was a dangerous thing he could tell because he had a gut feeling deep down that Loki wasn't the one to cause his haze-like interest. He had a gut feeling that he was falling all by himself. Even with Tony's revelation, Loki continued, "You get to ask a single question a day. A question that you oh-so desperately want an answer to. And I, in return for gifting you the knowledge you desire, ask a favor."

Tony agreed almost immediately and felt he had made the biggest mistake of his life.

Loki grinned. All teeth and mischief, "Wonderful."

Tony needed to get his head back in the game dammit. This could not be happening. It should not be happening and it wouldn't if Tony just did the rational thing and report it.

"Fuck that. Before we go into any kind of agreement let's have some fun first. A free trial?"

Loki was confused and he didn't even bother to hide it this time, he just quirked an eyebrow and tilted his head. "Let's play 20 questions," Tony asked.

"20 questions?"

"It's exactly as it sounds," Tony explained setting down a screwdriver and plopping himself in a chair with wheels only to roll over to the couch where loki lay.

"I asserted a query a day," Loki complained. He still hasn't moved from his spot on the couch since day one of being stranded in this god-forsaken place.

"And I said otherwise, c'mon when are you gonna give me some power in this relationship?" He gave his best puppy eyes. They turned completely wide when Loki insinuated that stark was a bottom at heart.

"I can hear you, you know!"

Loki spoke louder this time, smoother, "I had hoped so."

Tony Stark had a physical and a mental file about the God of Mischief.

*Bat-shit insane

*Inhumanely strong

*Is a wizard


*Can flirt

He put the 'can flirt' in his mental file.

"Alright Loki, cut the crap. You know how this situation looks right? You've been here 3? 4 days? I've questioned my sanity more than a hundred times an hour. You've said fewer words than I'm comfortable with, which is crazy enough. I need to understand what the hell is going on here. You killed Amora, great. I think, but you're half dead on my fucking couch and not even 2 months ago you wanted me fucking dead is 'fess up." The demand was there and his spine was straight. Tony was finally going to get answers one way or another.

Loki sighed. He wasn't pisssd, quite impressed if he was being honest with himself. He turned his head to the side to look at Anthony Edward Stark. He found his name on multiple documents for his company-scattered everywhere from the floor to some being spread carelessly upon desktops. There were empty bottles of alcohol and mugs with zero coffee in them, the place was especially drab when Anthony's machines weren't whirring or buzzing with life.

Loki looked into Stark's eyes, a standout type of brown. Almost hazel, they were too dark to be deemed that.

"How does one play your...20 questions?"

"Alright," Tony said with a victorious smile. "The rules are going to be a little different than how it's usually played. You get 10 questions, I get 10 so in total by the end of the game 20 questions will have been asked. If you refuse to answer a question a consequence will be in store...as to what I have no clue but there will be one," Tony said the last part in a hurried voice, but continued, "Only 2 passes. You understand?"

This did cause Loki to gain a bit of his sourness back, "I am not a child Stark. Especially a witless one."

"Fair enough," Tony shrugged, and like a child, he insisted he goes first. "Why did you cause the battle of New York?"

Loki smirked, "Is that what they're calling it?"

And Tony frowned, "You can't answer my question with a question, now give me a real response before I count that as one of your 10 questions." He crossed his arms over his chest and all Loki could think was 'child'

Loki rolled his eyes and calmly said, "Pass."

Tony was seriously done with this bullshit. "Are you serious?"

"Does everything always have to be my fault? I followed the rules. I do believe it's my turn to ask the question, Stark.

"That's not fair."

"for a man of your age, you act an awful lot like a babe."


Loki ignored Stark's immaturity. Loki wanted to ask a question. And he wanted it to sting, just a little.

"I've observed you, Anthony,"

"Tony-not Anthony."

Loki outright ignored his interruption, "I've seen you. The guilt you carry, the weight you carry."

"This isn't a question Reindeer Games," Tony pressed.

"You work endlessly, relentlessly. You work as if you owe a debt to this pitiful planet. Tell me Stark. What did you do?"

The words crashed harder than Loki wanted them to, he saw the flinch leave Tony's body but the anxiousness.

This would tell Loki enough about Tony. Is answer and his answer would uncover a lot, mainly a standing ground where maybe Loki could meet Tomy, but you can't necessarily find even ground without digging.

Tony looked anywhere, but Loki's eyes.

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