Green Eyes

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In the end, both geniuses ate their fill. And Tony felt something besides a constant irritation that crept around his person. He was hangry he concluded. He’d eat more, it would make everyone happy. After lunch? Tony found a viable excuse and exited the common room. No one can say he wasn’t out of his lab to socialize (even if it was for just an hour). He rushed back to his lab and almost felt his breath leave his lungs. He couldn’t even make it to his room without the feeling creeping. It was larger now, and his vision was starting to blur. Fuck, he hated this. He tried to push on, hustling to the door as his breath was fleeting. He made it and demanded Jarvis to open the door. As it shut, he pressed his back against it and felt his knees buckle. He slid down the door. Couldn’t think besides the repetitive thoughts of “no” and “why?”

If anyone were to ask Tony about Afghanistan, he’d nervously laugh, make some self-deprecating joke about it, and say no more. It wasn’t anything he talked aloud, and it wasn’t anything he’d actively recollect. He’d have nightmares and dreams, but he never intentionally sat and processed everything. He couldn’t be assed to be a crying mess all because he remembered shit. Even when he tried so hard to avoid it, to not think about it. He’d still feel it. The haunting feeling of knowing it happened. It could happen. Tony never really understood how panic attacks worked. He didn’t really want to know, sometimes it seemingly happens on its own. Or maybe he just never paid attention to his triggers. Anyway, if fucking sucked. 


That’s new. Usually, the only voice he hears is his conscience.


Fuck that’s a person. That’s the outside! 

His attention was grabbed, but he still couldn’t breathe, not properly anyway.

“Stark, cease your flailing. I am not here to harm you. You are safe.

Those were the greenest eyes Tony has ever seen.

“I promise you are safe with me.”

There is something sweet about the tone if Tony’s ever heard sweet.

Tony felt heavy, but he also felt cradled. Everything was slowly coming back to him. Piece by piece. He wasn’t in Afghanistan, he was in Stark tower. He wasn’t in danger, he was being cared for. Stark felt a cold hand placed upon his temple, and he heard a grunt. Tony’s brain supplied it was from Loki and the noise was from pain. Fuck. before he could say a word. Before he could question how the god came to him. Loki said–nearly whispered, “Rest, Anthony.” And Tony suddenly felt light.

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