Chapter 10: The Beach

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"Kokoro?" I called.

"Kokoro?" I called again.

"Huh?" She responded.

"I've been calling your name for the past five minutes." I tell her.

"I found a place for us to stay that hidden. Of course, we can't be there forever, but we can take a break for a day." I tell her.

"Yes! Finally! A break!" Kokoro cheers.

"A break would be kind of nice." Sashida comments.

We had entered the little vacation house I guess you would call it.

"Wow! This place is so nice! There's even a beach! HAHAHA!" Kokoro exclaims.

"I'm claiming my room before any of you idiots can." Sashida tells us.

"What are you? A child trying to get the top bunk?" Kokoro asks.

"No, I just want the best room." Sashida answers.

"Well, hurry up! I wanna go to the beach." Kokoro demands.

"Then go to the beach. You don't need me to do that." Sashida explains.

"We're here for the beach. We do need you; we're all going to the beach." Kokoro demands.

"Actually, I won't be joining so you guys can go ahead." I explain,

"YES, YOU ARE! We are all spending quality time together at the beach." Kokoro once more demands. How many times can she say the word beach.

"How are you two best friends when you're so different?" Kenji asks.

"We're both weirdos that's why." I respond.

"WE'RE GOING TO THE BEACH!" Kokoro screams.

"Thus, the vacation house was destroyed by Godzilla in the unstoppable rage." Sashida jokes.

"I have food." I say pointed in the direction for Kokoro.

She was quiet for a split second.

"The beach can wait." She finally says.

"Yeah, come on, I'll get you the food." I tell her.

We had eaten but the peace would not last long as Godzilla would soon reawaken.

"Now, time for the beach!" Kokoro exclaims.

"Sorry, I can't stop her now. Might as well just go along with it." I add.

"Yep, now let's go." Kokoro demands.

"I hate it here." Sashida comments.

"You chose to join us." Kokoro stated passive aggressively.

"Whatever." Sashida voices.

We all got changed and kind of went down to the beach.

"HAHAHA! YES! THE BEACH!" Kokoro exclaimed.

"She's way too excited." Kenji states.

"Yep." I add.

"We've been walking for days, I guess it's fine." Kenji states.

"True, I gue-" I was stopped mid-sentence by water being poured all over me.

"HAHAHA! GOT YOU!" Sashida exclaims.

"OH! You wanna go!" I exclaim back at them.

I heard Kenji lightly chuckle.

"Oh, don't think you can get out of this unscathed!" I tell him.

"TAKE THIS!" Kokoro then pours a bucket of water over Kenji's head.

A full-on war took place. I don't think I've ever had this much fun. The sun was beginning to set, and we all calmed down.

[E.R.I POV Change Requested]

[E.R.I POV Change; Successful]

[E.R.I Response; POV: Kenji]

Sashida and Senshi are talking amongst each other as I talk to Kokoro.

"It's been a while since I've seen Senshi smile or laugh." Kokoro states.

"It's new to me." I comment.

"Maybe she's finally starting to open back up. She's learning her own emotions." Kokoro states.

"I guess it was freedom." I add to the statement.

"I'm glad you let her accompany you. You've left a mark on her ever since "he" died." Kokoro tells me.

"You think?" I ask.

"Yeah, there's-" Kokoro was abruptly stopped by Senshi's profound excitement.

"I found a white lily." Senshi exclaims.

"What's so special about it?" Sashida asks.

"It's Senshi's favorite flower. Heh." Kokoro answered sounding proud of herself.

"Out of all the things you choose to remember about me, it's my favorite flower." Senshi states.

"I mean, yeah. You never know when you'll get a boyfriend. Anyway, this is your first time seeing one in person, isn't it?" Kokoro asks.

"Yeah, there are only a few of them though." Senshi responded sounding disappointed in her statement.

"Where I used to live there was an entire bed of them." I tell her.

"I'm jealous." She commented.

"What do you guys say we call it a night and go to bed? We still have some traveling to do tomorrow." I suggest.

"SLEEP!" Kokoro excitedly remarks. She was all over the place.

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