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I wipe my tears and another set brims up ready to roll down my cheeks, I grasp the annulment in all my ten fingers, the ring finger feels empty, I took off my ring last night and kept it in a small velvet knot bag. 

It feels like another day that I wouldn't ever forget in my deepest memory, nor would I cherish it but I would look back to it every now and then until I am healed. I wipe my swollen eyes once more and a discreet call makes me jump "Y/n!?" I sniffle wiping my nose onto my sleeve, I march towards the door and step out.

I am welcomed by Rain who isn't in her slacks anymore she is dressed for work in a white and black beautiful one-piece attire that reaches below her knees. She is tapping her feet on the floor, her mouth falls open as soon as she scans my face. I can't help it today, I delicately push the bundle of papers to her side and she fixes her expression into a curious one, "Good morning..." she beams at me lowly. 

"Good morning Rain" I wish her back and sigh, "What's happened, what's this?" she points at the pile of papers concealed in a brown wrap. "Could you hand them to Mr Kim? the papers need his sign?" I tell my voice almost cracks, she takes a step front and examines the seal and front and back. 

"Sure. I will but what's happened to you Y/n, you don't look okay" 

"Will I ever be okay?" I ask and she freezes a moment in her spot and quickly leaves it taking a long step towards me and engulfing me into a warm hug, a much-needed hug, I strangle a thick cry I have been holding for too long now. 

"We will be okay when we have to be, it isn't an overnight process, isn't it? a few more days a little one would cry and laugh in these walls he will heal all that he never damaged," she tells taping my belly, I break into a laugh. 

Yes, my dear little one would be here anytime to surprise me, I wouldn't have time to think of anything but he/she, work and; myself. Perhaps this journey wasn't meant to be easy, saying that my baby is disturbed from their nap he/she is surely about to kick me in the bladder for clenching my muscles and crying hard all night.  

"Can I drop you off today?" she asks, Hilton can go to the wrong country to pick me up but I'll go with Rain today, I am lonely all my rides to the office and being a gloomy day I don't want to darken my grey spirits. 

"Sure"  I chirp a moment later wiping my burning face. 

"Come on! let's go kick ass at work" she claps, I grab my bag and she drags me through the foyer straight into the car. 

I hop out and wave at her, "Have a great day Y/n, don't worry about anything I know you will, follow your heart, and please try not to overthink things, just let it happen whatever happens, You deserve the best of everything" 

The words ring like an endless zephyr till the end of my mind, I smile at her. At the moment she doesn't pitty me but she is worried for me, I am glad I have her by my side and not my family, I wouldn't be okay to let them watch me crumble down for what I wanted in life, somethings are not meant to be no matter what and I have learnt it the hardest way. 

Nodding at her, my throat swells a lump at the back that it puts me in short of words I think she knows what's stopping me from replying to her, I smile and wave instead "Don't worry, go safe" that's all that comes from my side before she leaves. My eyes spring tears quicker than light and I lower my head onto the floor walking in like any other morning. 

The same path I've taken every day has suddenly turned painful today, my empty finger and the relentless train of thoughts all that surrounds and belongs to him torture my insides, why is hard to breathe without him? 

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