-84- (Part-2)

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That evening Taehyung took us out for a stroll by the trail circuit. The walk was refreshing with Noori. Though I kept my distance from Taehyung since his last conversation with Soekjinssi had sparked some of my own revelations. Taehyung respected my distance and stayed out of my business throughout the trail walk although it didn't seem like he did it by heart. 

The poor boy was forced to.

Taehyung can never be fine with me maintaining distance from him. 

I know him by heart. 

But the way he's been acting upon the so-called name 'Jimin' didn't leave my mind to be at peace.

We were driving back home and Taehyung's eyes stayed focused on the road, I stole glances at him whilst feeding my hungry and cranky boy who was now partially asleep. An exasperated huff leaves Taehyung's lips and I look down into my arms. 

A second later I pull up my courage and look up at Taehyung to ask what's running on my mind. But yet again there is a sense of vile disagreement in me that stops me from doing so. 

What happened between Jiminssi and Taehyung is unknown to anyone. 

Jiminssi had never once visited home, and a long time ago a piece of news broke that the two unfollowed each other on all social media platforms and kept their relationship at bay. I recall the day that news shocked me so much that I asked Taehyung and he simply replied 'I don't know, maybe' and never spoke about it ever again. 

No phone calls, no texts and Taehyung has been avoiding Jiminssi's name popping in conversations for ages. 

Sometimes they ignore each other in events. It gets indigestible to just walk away without a word with him. 

Though he was my then-husband's friend, he was my senior at school and I had known him for a long time apart from the fact that he had been Taehyung's soulmate friend since childhood. 

Biting my lip hard I steal another prolonging glance at Taehyung. A second later he stares back at me through the rearview mirror and halts on the wheels roughly causing me to jump forward. I hold baby Noori tight to my chest and look up at Taehyung terrified at what just happened. 

"What happened?" I murmur taking a slightly accusative tone towards him. 

"If you have something on your damn mind cough it out or just stop looking at me like that!" 

How did he know? 

Hmph! he always reads me like an open book. 

Not fair. 

I scowl under his frustrating gaze and look away into my baby's face and some courage pumps into me. 

I look up again hoping I will fire the words at him but instead, I tremble under his scrutiny, his eyes follow my neck down to my chest, feeling feisty to stop him I spit out what's been occupying my mind "Are you and Jiminssi on bad terms?" 

"Is that what is eating you up so much that you keep shooting looks of betrayal at me?" he asks feeling annoyed roaming his eyes out of the window. 

Surely they are on bad terms. I can sense it from his very own reply and barbaric reaction 

"Tell me? what happened between you and Jiminssi" I ask persistently ignoring his words. 

"Persevered are we now Y/n?" 

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