New friend

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The guys that Shu had met welcomed him with warm. Ren was even volunteer to let Shu drive his spaceship. Shu of course being a genius he was, he mastered everything in one hour.

Fuuchan also let Shu coding his new AI function. Weirdly enough, Shu only takes 15 minutes to learn the language.

"Bro, wtf why are you so good?" Fuuchan while said slapping Shu's back.

"I don't know. Maybe because I'm a sorcerer."

"That was so smooth." Ren laughed. "Are you saying mine and Fuuchan's are dumb species?"

"No. No. No." Shu laughed at the backfire.

They continue to talk about life and exchanging knowledge in something. Two days has passed and Shu still couldn't remember why he was sent to the future. Based on Fuuchan and Ren's prediction, he was under a love spell. Fuuchan's partner once got the same spell but in the end, his partner went missing. No one knows where was Uki, Fuuchan's partner go. Ren's partner was last seen ascending to the galaxy. According to what Ren said, Aster, his partner was volunteered to stay away from Ren as long as Ren can stay alive. The shadow had almost turn Ren into a stone. That was how evil the shadow he has heard.

Shu was walking alone around the town. Seeing many different kind of species living in harmony. Mermaid, dragons, birds, and so many more evolved in the future.

He wore a cat ear and a tail that can move with his remote as disguise since having a sorcerer walking down the town will surely attracting many people attention. It was Fuuchan's and Ren's idea that told him to disguise as one. It was a bit uncomfortable having something behind when walking but he need to pretend that he was okay.

Not that he didn't ask to be a simple things as fairy, alien or etc but it was the only thing the duo had for him to disguise. During his tour, he had hide the fact that he was a sorcerer and play pretend to be a real cat species.

He entered a shopping mall. Roaming around by himself while checking for new outfits. Fuuchan and Ren had gave him money to spend. "Hey, never saw you before." A man with fox's ears greeted him.

"I just moved here." Shu laughed awkwardly while looking at the clothes that was hang.

"From which country?" The man asked again making Shu uncomfortable as the man's hand slowly move to his slim waist.

Shu squirms in discomfort, he casted a spell that makes the clothes rack fall on the man. Weirdly enough for him, he didn't throw up this time after using his magic. He ran out from the mall and bump into another fox but boy this time.

"Dude. Watch out next time." The fox said while blowing his injury on his hand. He stand up and cursed under his breath. "Fxck he escaped again."

"Sorry, I didn't saw you coming." Shu whimpers in pain.

"Are you okay dude? Want to go to the hospital?" The fox holding out his hand to help Shu stand up.

"I'm okay." Shu said accepting the hand. "I'm Shu. A cat." He said introduce himself.

The fox boy laughs before he also introduce himself. "Where on earth did you come from? Everyone can see that you're a cat. I'm Mysta, a fox." Mysta teasingly pressed the word 'fox' making Shu laughs. "Sorry for running onto you, I'm chasing a mafia by the way. I'm a detective."

"I see." Shu said as he feel more conscious of Mysta's existence.

"Hey I'm hungry. Want to grab some lunch?" Mysta said being friendly.

"Sure." Shu said following him into a cafe near them.

Shu sat at one of the table with Mysta when a chaos occured at the cashier machine.

"Scarle stop fighting with Luca!" One of the staff said watching a girl and a boy messing around with each other. The boy laughs and it somehow making Shu's heart flutter.

"Luca, you meanie boy." The girl said while laughing. "Go take the orders."

"Okay scarleyh." He said laughing more loudly making the girl hit him with a tray.

"Hello welcome to Nijisanji Cafe, let me take your order." He gives them menu to look at. The boy smiling brightly making Shu's heart skip a beat.

"Give me one sizzling and a glass of orange juice. Shu? What do you want?" Mysta giving back the menu to the waiter.

"Spicy ramen is enough. Oh and a glass of apple juice please."

"Pog! I mean okay. I'll be right back with your foods." The waiter said after taking Shu's menu away.

"The workers here are all nice. I have big crush on their manager by the way." Mysta leaning over the table to whisper.

"Who?" Shu giggled at his new friend.

"The one who was scolding them. The one wearing black." Mysta secretly point to the boy in black. It was not hard to know who his friend refering to as the others are all wearing white. "By the way your taste is not bad."

"E-huh? What do you mean?" Shu was seriously panicking if Mysta noticed he was actually eyeing the previous waiter up and down.

Mysta laughed and laughing more when Shu's face turned red. "How old are you? A teenage girl?!" Mysta laughed more after he saw Luca come with their foods.

"Mr, please tone it down. People was watching and complaint about you." Luca said to Mysta quietly.

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