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18 days left and Shu still hasn't meet the psychic. Counting days as he looked outside the cafe that he came to fond. Mysta once again invited him to a lunch but today he felt that it was just an excuse for Mysta since he was so shy to have lunch with Ike alone.

"Sorry, Shu right?" Ike asked when he noticed the other have been glancing at the cashier site and outside of the window. "Luca is not here. Maybe for a couple of days. If youre looking for him."

"Sorry?" Shu was obviously taken off guard by him. "I did not looking for him."Shu said avoiding his gaze. "By the way, are all the workers here are human?"

"'Human'? What a funny word. But yeah. We're pretty human."

Mysta laughed by the awkwardness that surrounding him. "I mean who cares about species right?"

"Yeah, sure. Everyone deserve to live." Ike purposely playing with 'live' word. If Shu was afraid enough, he would be running away from Ike's stare.

"Shu hurry up. Lets go watch a movie later." Mysta pick up Shu's bread and forcefully put it inside Shu's mouth.

Shu struggled chewing the bread inside his mouth. Cursing Mysta in his mind.


The movie was pretty boring if Shu can admit that he can say he sleep through all the way until finish. He bids Mysta farewell who need to return back to his office.

Ike's smile never leave his face and that was until Mysta left. "You know human are pretty smart too." Ike whispers as he walks past Shu.

Shu's hair body suddenly stand up. Ike somehow scared him. He knew by then that Ike was someone he should be avoid at all cost. His grip on the small remote become tighter as he scared his cat disguise could be exposed.

Shu walking back to his home. Still shivering from thinking Ike's words. Shu was busy thinking his problem when he accidentally bump into someone. "Sorry."

"No. Its okay." The deep voice in front of him startled him.

"Relax. I'm a good demon. I'm Vox." The boy who looked slightly older than him holding out his hand.

Shu's gut told him to run away. 'No, this guy is not Ike.' Shu have a deep thought before decided to accept his hand and they almost do a handshake when Shu heard someone calling his name from behind. He looked back and notice it was Ren who had yelled his name.

He turns back to the front and notice Vox was already gone. He scratches his head and go to Ren. "What's up?"

"I managed to grab a hold of that psychic." Ren said and pull Shu together to run with him.

Despite feeling a little sick, Shu sprint to the mountain. It took 40 mins of walking and 27 mins of high sprint.

They managed to arrive at the mountain. "Wait. I need to catch my breath before we climb up." Shu sat on the ground. It was already early evening and the sun almost set.

"If you think the psychic can wait then why not?" Ren also flop down beside him.

Both was still catching their breath. Shu was seriously tired and he feel like he would die if he climb up any sooner. "Daisy." he called out the flower petals not a far from him. The flower was floated for quite a while before laying on the ground again. "It seems that I'm really dying." Looking at the sky Shu can't hide his tears from falling. It was not that he doesn't try to reach his family or teacher, he can't reach them with his weak magic.

"Why are you crying?"

Shu was startled that he turned speechless when noticed Luca was beside him and wiping his tears.

"Are you hurt?" He can't say anything except staring at the boy beside him. Too stunned to speak or move. "Why?" He saw Luca chuckles and wraps him a scarf around his neck. "It's cold at here."

"Luca." He gulped down his nervousness. "What-"

"Shu hurry up!" Shu heard Ren's call from a distant.

"Wait! I'm coming!" Shu hurriedly stand up before Luca pulled him in back hug.

"Stay safe." When he turns back, Luca was ready already gone. He tried to peek over everywhere but he couldn't see him.

"Shu?" He turns his back to infront again when Ren hold his hand. "Is there anything wrong?"

"Nothing." Shu said smiling in awkward as his mind still wonder where did Luca go.

"Okay.." Ren said unsure about what to say. "Let's go up now." He was actually wanted to ask where Shu got the scarf around his neck since he remember what was Shu's wearing coming there. Beside that, he also wanted to ask about the jacket on previous day but he didn't know how to ask. He doesn't want to be called nosy but it's weird since Shu can't use magic. Ignoring the questions, he climbs up the mountain following Shu.


"Mr! Mrs! Anyone here today?" Ren knocks on the wooden door of the only big house. No response like any other day. Usually Fuuchan would also let out an explosive small bomb to inform the residents that they were there.

"No bomb today." A voice came out from the big house surprises them. "Who are you guys?"

"I'm Ren and this is Shu. We need your help!"

A figure appeared at the window. A boy with purple hair and clothes telling them to come inside.

"You guys can sit here." The boy showing his living room to the them. It was a massive space that living with other 20 other people would be still big enough.

"We had search for you in these days." Ren said but more like whining to the psychic.

"I apologizes. I can only see you during night." The boy said before a set of tea come floating from somewhere. "You guys come here for you right?" The boy smile a little smile before he closes his eyes and a purple light flashing in front of his face.

Ren and Shu saw how the light was actually not a normal light but it was the psychic power.

"You fell in love with someone right?" Both Shu and Ren look at each other. Ren signaling him to answer. Shu shakes his head. "Are you sure?"

"I did not fall in love with anyone." Shu shakes his head again.

"What about that blonde hair?"

"Who?" Ren skeptically looking at Shu. "Oh that boy! That blonde boy who sent you back home the other day."

"You should decide and arrange your feeling. Your reason to come here was because you need to find your young master. I saw that your young master is in danger. Forest, he was trapped in the forest. Search for him and you both will be safe. If something happened, use what the fox mother gave you to protect you. Remember not every human is good and not every human is the real human." The psychic opens his eyes. "Love is something dangerous so you should be careful. You may go back now. The sun is about to rise."

"What about my disease, can you help me?" Shu asked in hope he can easily use his magic again.

"That's not in my power. Apparently, you need to return back to use your magic again."

"Thank you sir. May I know whats your name?" Ren couldn't help but feeling happy for his friend to gain the information.

"I'm Uki. Don't tell anyone you guys met me. Moreover your friend from before. Remember you can't trust everything you see."

Spell On You (lucaxshu) [COMPLETE] Where stories live. Discover now