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Since that day, Shu would always trying to visit every forest that he can find. Near or far, he will still go looking for his young master. Maybe he didn't know how his master looks like but that was what the psychic told him to do.

"Young master! I'm Shu! Where are you?! We only have 15 days left!"

"Shu? Nanny!" A faint voice calling his name. His body can't move.

Shu woke up feeling sweats falling from his forehead. He looked around him as he noticed he had falling asleep on the grass field while looking for his young master. He looked down on his body when he realized a jacket was dropped on him. He smelled the scent which he knew straight away that it was from Luca.

His heart beating faster, he knew he fuxk up so much. He had falling in love to someone who was from the future. Beside that, he also had a thought that Luca was actually someone he needed to stay careful. He feel so much frustrated and wished for someone to be there for him at that moment. He buried his head between his knees.

"Luca. I... want to meet you." Strong wind gushes through the long grass. It helped Shu to feel calm a little. He can feel a soft touch hugging his body from behind.

"I'm here baby." Shu heard Luca's voice from behind. He want to move his head and look behind him but Luca's hug becoming stronger. "Don't look."

They stayed in that position for quite a while. He felt so safe in Luca's arms. All his worries being washed away. Luca stealing kisses on his neck from time to time. Shu whimpers every time he felt Luca's lips touches his neck.

"Listen here Shu. I really like your existence. Shu.. I.. I..." Shu heard Luca talking behind him when the boy suddenly stops talking and coughing. "I'm sorry. I'm still sick."

"Are you okay?" Shu turns around his body but before he could check on Luca, Luca had pressed his palm over Shu's eyes. "Luca?"

Shu's body tensed up as soon as a pair of soft flesh touched his lips. Luca licks his lips which Shu granted by opening his cavern. Shu surrendered the dominance position to Luca immediately when he found to love Luca's sweet mouth. Luca breaks apart a little making Shu whines by the lose, he clenches Luca's other hand on his neck when he feel something inside his mouth this time. An object tasted so sweet like cherry and strawberry explodes in his mouth. It was delicious that Shu likes it.

"What is this?" Shu asked tasting the sweet flavor.

"Stay safe forever Shu. I love you. For who you are." The hands on his body disappeared so did Luca when Shu opened his eyes.

Shu quickly running and searching for the boy. "Luca!" He always wonder why Luca always vanished into the air. Why Luca did not say anything about his disguise? He bet Luca was actually knew about him being a fake cat.

"Sakura!" Shu screams when he slips down the hill. A piles of sakura's petals immediately comes and catches him. Shu was saved right before he almost got thrown into the river.

Shu was in utter disbelief when he realize his magic suddenly worked well. "Sakura talk to me!"

"Yes." A voice said as a pile of floating sakura moving beside him.

"My magic! I can use them! I'm not gonna puke either! Wait.. how can this suddenly happened?" Shu can't hide his excitement and curiousity. "Sakura tell me whats happening!"

"Luca. That yellow hair boy. He sacrificed himself to help you. He saved you from that curse." Sakura's petals moving up and down as they began to talk.

"He sacrificed himself? What do you mean? He was okay. What's actually going on? Will something happen to him? " Shu clenched the jacket that was in his hand, eyesbrows knitted together as he was worried. He hoped sakura petals only play jokes on him.

"It was here. We are witnessing when something happened to him about three weeks ago. A woman suddenly showed up and put a magic on him. Luca fainted but suddenly his necklace glowing up. After that we don't know what had happened because his friend took him away."

"His necklace is glowing?" Shu asked still processing if his assumptions was right. "Does his necklace.. does it have magic stone?"

"Yes. Magic stone can keep mana that was given by a generous person. But he used his last magic on you. He is now withering away like us."

"Wha.. so you mean.. he died? But he was right beside.." Shu couldn't escape the last word from being in the sentence. "I can give him magics. Where is him? You guys saw him right?" Shu tried using him magic to locate the owner of the jacket but he failed. "No way." Shu falls on his knees. There was only one reason if it fail, and that one reason was when the person was dead. "He should be alive." His cries turned into sobbing. "Luca..why.."

His conversation with fox mother crosses his mind.

"I can only warn you to be careful around someone who have a magic stone. They can only do two things to you. Protecting you or deceiving you."

Sakura's petals form into a human form and hugs Shu. "He chose to protect me." The boy's magic was overflowing. The petals know that something big was about to happen.

Spell On You (lucaxshu) [COMPLETE] Where stories live. Discover now