Story in another world (Vox's POV)

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Ike yelled and screamed on my face which makes me want to hit him so much but the words that stopped me was "WE'RE DEAD!" from him.

"What's wrong?" I timidly approaching him. He can be scary when he angry.

"Luca's magic stone is missing! What if something happened to it?" Ike bites his finger in anxious. "Shu. He must know about it." Ike's blue aura flaming around him. "Show me Shu."

We both saw Shu's bloody state in a mirror that Ike summoned. "Something isn't right. Bring us to him."

"Where is this?" Ike said watching our surrounding.

"This is magical dimension. We're still alive but not all can return to modern world after transfering here." I said shivers by the cold atmosphere. I know this place well as a demon.

"How do you know?" Ike asked wondering if I was lying to him.

"I'm a demon." I said enough to made Ike stopped talking.

"Wait.. where's Shu?" he said realising Shu wasn't there. "Wth.." He said once he looked up the air and I also look at it.

A lots of big trees surrounding us and we had no idea all of them was coming from someone's magic. "Shu's in danger." Ike said watching Shu being wrapped by Lily, unconscious.

"We need to help him." I calling out Kindred to cut all the trees. The witch noticed us and started to attack us.

We fought while Ike instructing Quilldren to cut the trees. "I must say you're kinda strong but not under my watch."

She keeps attacking me making me have no time to attack back. "Fxck! That's hurt."

"Vox! Watch out!" I hide under the fallen plant when the witch shot fire on me. "What the hell. Are you a dragon?"

"Vox, are you okay?" I made a sharp turn to my left upon hearing the voice.

"Baby.." I was too stunned to say more.

"I'll protect you." Shoto said looking at how bad damaged I got on my body. He was so cool.

"Wait!" I screamed when I saw he got away right away.

"This is why I don't bring you here!" I said watching him attacking the witch. Ike helped him and I was about to join the squad when I realise the plant that held Shu was about to break. "Shu!"

"Guys! Be careful!" The far voice said but I swore.. I knew that voice so well. A small boy like a cat appear and helping Ike and Shoto.

A blond, long hair, white pale skin but now tainted by red liquid jumped and catches Shu's falling body. I know that figure.

"...Luca. My boy.." I fell on my knees. Luca didn't look back at me but I know just by the way he hold Shu's body tenderly. Something weird happened before me. Luca suddenly have tails? "Luca have tails? What world is this??"

"Vox.. please take care of him." Luca said and flew away. "He can fly???" I must be crazy.

I built a strong wall like a house, hiding both of me and Shu. I look at Shu, feeling pity towards him.

From time to time, I peeked over to the battle. I was worried about them moreover my boyfriend. I knew they are all strong but the witch seems more powerful.

"Can I drop the kid here?" I looked behind me and notice a guy with yellow hair holding a little kid. "I'm worried about them. I'll try helping them from the bottom."

"Sure." He dropped the kid as fast as he came and go away. "I need some time. Am I that old yet?" A loud scream echoing and I saw the witch in bleeding state. Luca.. he looked so mad. His eyes stare menacingly on the girl. Soon the girl was burn by her own magic that overflowing from her body.

"Majestic." I said it out loud seeing Luca's unknown power.

"You're not human, Luca?" I asked him as soon as he landed on the land and giving me a hug. Ike and Shoto joined the hug soon after that.

"I miss you Luca." Shoto said clinging on the boy. In other occasion I would be mad but not today. Ike on the other hand wiping his tears.

"I love you guys. I miss you guys too." Luca hugged us like it will be the last time for us. And before I know, it became true.

"Luca. We need to hurry." A cat boy said alongside a yellow boy that I had met before.

"Please take care of Shu. Tell him I'm dea-"

"No! Luca, come back with us!" Ike holds Luca's hand but it became more like a brush in the air.

"I'm a nine-tailed fox. I gave Shu my infinity life on modern world. I can't stay on modern world anymore." Luca smiled approaching Shu. Weirdly, he can touch Shu unlike us to him. He pat Shu's head and give it a kiss.

"What about magic stone?" I asked hoping I can hold him back.

"It also can't." Luca said kissing Shu's face multiple times. I saw him putting something around Shu's neck. Before I could ask him, he answered me right away.

"This is magical stone. If Shu is in danger, it will directly tell me. Don't tell him anything." The love and emotion in his eyes, I can't describe.

"You're not human." Shoto said after a while, he began to sob knowing fully we can't meet Luca anymore after this. This was the first I feel something trailing down my cheeks.

"We must hurry." The yellow boy said looking outside.

"Why? What are you guys so in rush for?"

"I'm a rare species so some people are looking for me. Beside.. I need to do something." Luca said, eyes still lingering on Shu. "I love you." I know he must love Shu so much that it might be painful for him to leave.

"We'll take care of him." Ike said taking Shu's hand in his hand. "If I come here, will we meet each other again?"

"Sure. I'll always look after you guys." Luca smiled and waved before walking away with the two other boys. "I'll see you again, my friends."

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