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Shu woke up feeling worse than he ever felt. He looked around him and he was still at the same dimension but someone saved him by the lacked of wounds on his body.

"I would kill you if it's not for Luca." A growling voice sending shivers through his spine. "What the hell did you think taking his magic stone away from him?!" A red aura escaping his saviour's body.

"Eki enough!!" Another voice yelled.

"What?! Luca might still have a chance to live here if he didn't steal and crush that magic stone!! I should have let him died instead!" He rolled his eyes at the fox boy.

"Being in argue will not help us! He must be in pain too because he loves Luca -"

"Love? His intention was to kill him!" Another voice retorted.

"Vox, he didn't want to." The fox argues back. He can't stand they blaming the boy.

"Then explain why did you stole Luca's magic stone if you "doesn't want to kill him"." Eki sarcastically quote.

"I want to bring him back. I thought Millie can help me. But I was wrong... I'm sorry." Shu softly sniffles and looking at down. He then noticed a long necklace on his neck that wasn't there before. The necklace was made from pure silver and some words engraved on it. 'I love you.'

The fox boy whose name Mysta approached him. He hugs the now emotional boy in arms. "Luca.. he killed that woman. He sacrificed himself once again while saving you and that kid from that witch." The look on Shu's face pained him. The look of terror and disbelieve. "Luca.. he gone for real from our world. This time, his soul is gone so he can't back to alive neither in magic world or modern world."

Door slammed and a lot of yelling can be heard from outside the room. Shu clenched the necklace tightly to his chest. He can't believe he was the reason everything happened.

"Your young master is asleep. Once he wake up, you must go back to your world. You only have time until tomorrow." Mysta holding back his tears. "Even though we only known each other for a short time, I still love you as my brother. I wish we could have more time together."

Everything still feel like a dream. Shu cannot stop himself from crying. "I'll miss you guys. My friends.. I promised them that I'll back. Help me to meet them please."

"I can't use magic. We need to ask Ike or Vox. Looking at how both of them are still mad at you, I don't know how."

"I can help you." The both look at the source and Shu must say he was glad to see the person. "Though I'm sad Luca can't be saved, at least I'll do a favor taking care of his loved one."

"Who are you?" Mysta's inner protectiveness activated. He doesn't want anything hurt his brother anymore.

"I'm Shoto. We had met before, remember?" The blue hair boy leaning onto the wall. His face doesn't smile but Shu knows he has a good intention.

"Yes, I do." Shu touched Mysta's arms to relax. The fox boy soon relax.

"Vox come here." Shoto said before another man with long hair appeared next to him.

"Baby. I had told you. I don't want anything with him-" Vox was caughting off guard when a knife strikes next to his head. "Okay. What is it?"

"Bring him to meet his friends. He wanted to meet them."

Vox was surely cursing under his breath but he do what his boyfriend wanted him to do. All of them teleported to Fulgur's house.

Shu can hear Ren's laugh from the outside, Fulgur scream and some other voices. "Ren stop laughing! Help me!"

"You deserve it dude!" Ren said before the front door open revealing Fulgur.

"Shu!! Man youre here!" Fulgur screamed upon seeing his friend.

"Wait Shu?!" Ren storms out from the house.

"Wait Aster????!!!" Mysta screamed once he saw the purple hair.

"Uki???" Shoto also said in amazement.

"You guys know each other?" Shu can't help but amaze by the situation too.

"Well.. It's a very long story. Not very interesting." Uki cover Shoto's mouth.

"Yeah. Very unin.te.res.ting.." Aster said shhuing Mysta.

"Well.. Okay then.." Shu smiled ignoring the other boys who asked him to ask them.

Vox retelling the whole story over what had happened when he arrived with Ike, Mysta and Shoto to the other world. Shu listened to them intentively, trying to get the whole situation that leads to his young master's freedom and Millie and Luca's death.

During the time, Mysta hold his bestfriend tight to himself in hope he can comfort the latter. He felt sorry over what had happened after Ike told him. Though he was kinda disappointed Shu never tell him, he was more worried about the latter.

Spell On You (lucaxshu) [COMPLETE] Where stories live. Discover now