Red Aura

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Shu was seriously frustrated. Many days had passed since Luca died. He misses him so much. He knew that his mission was to find something else but his heart was only searching for Luca. He promised himself that he will look for his young master and send him back alone. He will not going anywhere until he revives Luca's dead body and be with him again.

"Are you okay?" Shu can hear one person's voice before he collapse. He woke up to the smell of medicine and soup. He looked beside him and noticed it was the person that Mysta likes. "I saw you on the road passing out so I brought you home. Here eat some meds and soup I have made for you. You have a severe fever."

Shu slowly sitting up and leaning on the headboard. His hands shaking so bad making the boy insists that he should just let him feed him.

"Its okay. I'll eat myself." Shu insisted back making the boy sighed. His head has been hurting since he woke up.

"Hela." The boy said while looking at Shu. His eyes glowing blue colour as a blue magic dust suddenly appeared and vanished.

"You are.. what are you?" Shu scooted away from the boy making the boy laugh. Shu then noticed that the boy's body gleaming with red aura. He also noticed his fake ears also on the table next to the boy. 'Oh no.'

"I'm Eki. Nice to meet you." The boy holding out his hand. Shu was so scared that he began to tremble. Something about the aura screams dangerous to him.

"Eki, as a demon myself. I dislike what you did there." A deep voice said and Shu swear he did not saw him entering the room. "Look kid, don't be afraid. We're a good people. We've met before, I'm Vox, a demon and he is Ike or we can called him Eki for now, a novelist. He is gifted." The boy with long hair and deep voice laughed.

Shu's eyes shifted between them. "I'm Shu."

"A sorcerer." Eki smiles before his aura changing to blue. "We need a sorcerer."

"What do you mean?" Shu said still scared of them.

"We need you to save people." Vox said somehow Ike's face turning sad.

"The community?" Shu tried to understand the situation.

"Yeah. Moreover we need you to save someone important for me." Ike said before Shu saw he casted a spell.

A big round mirror appears and it shows a silhouette of a boy sleeping in a coffin. Flowers was placed around his body.

"This is Luca. My childhood friend. You know him. He died.. I don't know how to explain this." Ike sadly said as he touched the screen. "More than 3 weeks ago, we went to a nearby forest. He was struck by a furious witch. Luca.. he is only a human. He fell unconscious and wont wake up unless magic was used. He can only stay awake with magic. Knowing that he has a magic stone, me and Vox using our power and magic to wake him up. It was successful but the stone has it's limit. We were hoping that he can stay awake until we meet a sorcerer or whoever can cure him. But he suddenly died.. We can't resurrect him anymore."

Shu turned into silent as he stare at the glass. "Can I.. meet him?"

"For what? Wanna try kissing him? Like in Snow White story." Vox teasingly said making Ike throw hot soup at him.

"You.did.not.say.that." Ike gritted his teeth at Vox.

"What? It's true. We both had tried it on him before. Luca is still not awake." Vox said annoyed more sad and thanking to God he managed to avoid the hot soup. "Come on. Don't be shy."

"It was your idea!" Ike rolls his eyes.

"And he f mad at me when I did that to Luca. I want to help too!" A blue hair boy said entering the conversation.

"Shoto. Not now boy. Youre my boyfriend, of course I am mad." Vox said feeling embarrassed from the exposure.

"Luca was the one who always accompany me when you and I have a fight. He is like my brother. Why can't I do that to him but you can? Isn't that we called 'unfair'?" Shoto was clearly outraged.

Shu could only stare as Shoto threatened to kill Vox if Vox were against him again. Ike whispers for him to follow him, ignoring the bickering couple. Shu run out and follow Ike who was waiting for him at the door.

The halls that they were using was so dark. Luckily for a sorcerer, he has a unique eyes that can see in the dark. He doesnt know how Ike was walking without bump into anything and he didnt feel to ask him either.

"Here." Ike said opening the door. They walked inside the room and Ike shows him inside. The room was filled with real flowers on the wall. They walked a little more inside until they reach a big glass of coffin.

Shu can see from where he is standing, he could see Luca's dead body in the coffin. His eyes immediately becomes watery as he took a small step to Luca. Ike left the room as soon as he saw Shu began to sob.

Shu touches the cold body. Tears dropping every seconds. Luca's body feeling so soft and cold. He tried to transfer his magic into the necklace that was hang around Luca's neck but to not avail, his magic can't go into the stone. He tried every spell that he knows, but nothing work. All he have now was regret and despair.


Shu doesn't know when did he fell asleep. When he woke, he was still sitting beside Luca's cold body. "Luca. I will cure you." He softly whispers. "I promise you, I'll find my young master and send him back. I'll stay here until you recovered. I love you, Luca." Shu pecks Luca's cold lips. "When you wake up, that witch is dead. By that time, we'll be together."

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