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The time limit to bring the young master approached Shu without he realising. He felt uneasy, he now knows that he should bring his young master back but if he bring his young master back, will he be able to stay by Luca's side? He wanted to be by that boy's side until the end.

"You know it's forbidden right to love someone from the future?" Shu looked beside him as Millie suddenly teleported beside him. She looked at her student. Since Shu was still a kid, Shu never leave her side. "I can help you erasing your and his memories."

"No. Just Luca's." He smiles looking at Millie.

"Aww.. Baby Shu is growing up~" Millie pinches Shu's soft cheeks tenderly.

"No Millie, stop." Shu laughed but did not making an attempt to run away.

"You know. You're such a strong person. I would go crazy if my love died." Millie softly admit. Shu's face twitches but his expression remains calm taking the sweet view of flower garden in front of him.

"Love magenta." A blue heart-shaped mirror appears in front of them. "Padora." An image of a familiar boy appear to Shu. Shu looked at Millie asking her why she casted that magic spell. "Such a waste to a handsome man. Maybe he needs a princess to kiss him and I'll prefer to do that even though I knew at the end I'll just turned into a frog." Millie blabbers getting Shu's attention more.

"You might be my teacher but not infront of me." Shu warned, calling out his mystical origami.

"Does that mean I can kiss him when youre not aware? Chu~" Millie giggles when Shu started to attack her.

"You know Shu that this is all because of you, right?" Millie laughed her heart out. She muttered something under her breath when Shu feeling hurt in his head.

Shu woke up feeling all pain on his body. He looks around him when the unfamiliar place surrounding him. It was all white and green. The tree was full of flowers and fruits. The river was clean until we can see the deep inside. A soft giggles behind him catches his ears. He look behind him and a figure of a little boy that he misses so much appear in front of him.

"Young master!" Shu called for the kid's attention. The kid laughed and run away. "Young master! Wait!" Shu's eyes went terror as the kid run to the side of the cliff.

"Nanny! Come and get me!" The boy then jumped off the cliff.

"No!" Without thinking Shu also jumping off the cliff. "Dahlia." The flower that he summon doesn't seem to understand him. "Are you crazy?!!!"

A strong arm grasp his waist. He knows that scent. He looked behind him and his heart clenched in pain. They floated in the air for a while before the boy lands them on the hard surface of the escarpment.

"Luca!" Shu's eyes glistening in happiness. He hugs the boy tight in his arms, scared he will lose the boy again.

"Shu. Don't danger yourself again. Promise me." The boy reciprocated the hug.

"You're alive." Shu sobs on Luca's shoulder. The smell that he misses so much. "I miss you. Where are we now? What is this place? Why you never wake up?" He looked up as if he was scared Luca will go again.

"I don't know too, Shu." Luca caresses Shu's hair softly. Shu doesn't know if the reason he was shivering was because the of the soft winds or the strong but loving gaze that Luca gave to him.

"Listen to me. I want you to forget about me. If you need to choose between me and him. Choose him. I love you." Shu closes his eyes when Luca moves closer to him only to feel empty in his arms. He opened his eyes and he was right, Luca already gone. He looked around him wondering what Luca's words mean.

"Nanny. Don't you love me?" A soft heartbreaking voice coming from behind his back. Shu turned around and saw his young master sniffles in sadness. He ran to his young master and taking him in his arms.

"Young master. I'll bring you back. I'll save both of you."

"You can't. I don't want to die." The boy sniffles more. He bawling his eyes out while screaming in tantrum.

"What do you mean?" The sudden earthquake catching them off guard. The ground suddenly split separating both of them.

"You need to kill him." The kid screamed before fall into the pit.

Shu can't move his body. There was something holding him back.

"Didn't I warned you? What if I help you?" A lady voice coming from a far.

"GIVE THEM BACK TO ME!!" A purple magical dust floating around him. His eyes turning grey and his body floating. Petals of lilac forming into a tornado.

"You took their lovers away from them. You took Luca away from me. I should have known you're the mastermind in this case. MILLIE!" Shu screamed at the figures in front of him. There stood Millie, Rosemi and Maria.

"Oh well." Millie laughed. "Took you so long dumb*ss." Millie changes her appearance. Her blonde hair turning pink, matching the duo.

"Why are you doing this?" A strong thunder forming from flowers striking the trio. The trio laughed and avoiding the attack easily.

"Simple. I hate you." Millie said and strikes Shu back with the bigger attack.

"But why?!" Shu protect himself while charging again.

"You got to be a nanny despite your young age. Ive waited for so long but because of you, I can't be one. You destroyed everything! You know how much I love the king! You know how much I want to be the queen. You take my place! Thats why you and that kid should have die!"

A strong pain seeping from behind his back. Shu's eyes turning back to purple as he coughed out blood."

"Daffodils..." A bunch of yellow flowers growing from the land. "Iris. Hold them. Don't let them move!

"What the hell is this?!" Millie screamed as she can't get away from the grasp. "Release me! Lilac help me!" Numerous Lilac escape from the ground but all of them were quick being washed away by Daffodils.

"Maria! Rosemi!" Millie screamed for her friends help only to notice both of them has died from the poison that seeping through their bodies.

"Origami.. Burn her.." Shu calling out his origami as purple fire sparks on them.

"I'm your sister! Shu please!" Millie screamed more watching her breath will be taking away. "Come out!"

His young master showed up with future Luca. Both of them were drenched in blood.

"Kill me." Millie said smirking widely. "Kill me and you lost your love." Shu lost his grip. He can't lost any of them. He knew if he kill Millie then Luca will also fade away but if he doesn't kill Millie then his young master would die.

His eyes shifted back to purple as Lilac surrounding his body, strangles his breath. Some penetrating his body. He can't breath the oxygen. He lost concious as the last thing he saw was Millie smiling face.

Spell On You (lucaxshu) [COMPLETE] Where stories live. Discover now