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Shu spent his days roaming around the town. Fuuchan and Ren had told him that he should be careful and try to gain his memory back. They had a suspicion that Shu was actually in danger. Shu was worried, he tried to cast a spell after the day he met Mysta but his magic wont happen.

It had been a week for him in the future. "Am I really stuck in the future? What will happen to me?"

"Excuse me sir. What would you like to order?" Shu jolted in his place as he just being awake from his deep thought. He looked beside him as a smile from a waiter melting his heart, the smile from his secret crush as that was what Mysta said.

"I.. A glass of Iced Mocha please." Shu was trying hard not to blush when the waiter's eyes on him.

"Okay. Please wait for a while. I'll comeback with your order." The waiter smiles before he walked back to the counter.

Shu waited for his drink to come. He looked around and noticed there wasn't many customers in the morning. It was kinda peaceful if he can say. A tray of foods was set on his table. A glass of Iced Mocha, a glass of Iced Chocolate and two plate of egg sandwiches was in front of his eyes.

Shu looked at the waiter who brought the order. "I didn't order all of this. Just a glass of Iced Mocha."

"I know. Just my treat for accompanying me eat. " The waiter said before sitting in front of Shu. "I'm Luca by the way."

"I'm Shu." Shu was actually impressed by how Luca's etiquette when eating. Like a royal. Very neat and tidy.

Shu's head suddenly went dizzy. He tried to close his eyes but the dizziness won't fade away.

"Sir?" He heard someone called him before he saw blank.

The waiter who was trying to get Shu's attention panicked. "Ike! Help!" He hold Shu's body from falling before his body suddenly becoming weak. Without any warning, the waiter ran to the stall and vomiting purple liquid. He also lost his consciousness.


Shu woke up in an unknown place. Everything was a forest. He looked everywhere but he still hasn't recognize where the place was. "Shu! Nanny! Save me!" He heard a tiny boy's voice screaming near him.

"Who?" Shu asked in bizarreness.


"Shu!" He jolted awake from his sleep. "Thanks God, youre fine." He looked beside him and noticed it was Luca who tried to make him gain consciousness.

"What's happened?" Shu suddenly coughed out terribly. This time there was no liquid or thorns escaping his from his throat.

"You suddenly faint when we eat. I brought you to the staff room. What's wrong?" Luca wipes Shu's forehead with the towel. He played with Shu's ears lovingly.

Shu didn't know how to speak so he choose to stay silent and let Luca taking care of him. He let Luca feeds him porridge and send him back home.

"Who is that?" Ren asked after saw Shu waving to the boy.

"Just someone. Why?" Shu take off his shoes and sit on the couch.

"You have been away for hours, I'm afraid if people found out that youre a sorcerer." Ren sighed as he was feeling sorry to his friend. "I found someone. Maybe she could help you."

"Who?" Shu's ear perked up once he heard that.

"An immortal fox from heaven. Do you want to see her?" Ren sat beside his friend.

"Yeah. Sure. When?" Shu seriously can't hide his excitement that maybe the fox can help him.

"Follow me tonight. We're going with Fuuchan." Ren pat his friend's shoulder. "No need to disguise tonight."


Night come and all three of them went to the mountain that rumored to be the fox's home. Shu swear even walking up the mountains sending chill to him. Sounds of wolf howling and growling resonating the quiet place. A footstep can be heard approaching them. A shadow of woman in kimono and oriental hat coming closer to them. It was said that once you walk at the night in that mountain, you'll encounter a fox mother who can changes her body as a human wearing oriental hat.

"What do you guys want for being here?" A woman voice echoing them.

"We just have a thought you could help us." Fuuchan answered the question.

"About what?" The voice echoing again.

"We need to know what is actually happened to him." Fuuchan said pulling Shu to his side.

"A sorcerer?" Suddenly a woman figure appears in front of them. "I can't feel your magic. It's disappearing. Its the first time I met a sorcerer who lose his magic." The fox woman looking into Shu's eyes. "I can't help you much but you only have 20 days to live. There's a psychic who lived in two mountains from here." The fox woman pointed to another mountain.

"Psychic?" Shu said feeling uneasy in his heart.

"You must meet him as he can help you but it's rare to see him. I can only warn you to be careful around someone who have a magic stone. They can only do two things to you. Protecting you or deceiving you. One more magic then you will die." The woman picked her fingers and a small bottle of blue cherry appears. "When youre in danger, eat this. You'll be in help." The woman laughed before disappear.

"What the hell that woman said? What was the psychic name? Where the hell should we find them?" Ren hold his head in frustration.

"Let's go now." Fuuchan said leading the way. "Two mountains from here."


Fuuchan's cellphone rang when they was about to walking up the mountains. "I'll take this as fast as I can." Fuuchan said walking away.

Next it was Ren's cellphone whose ringing. Ren also excused himself.

Shu waited patiently under the moonlight. Shivering a little when a cold wave passing his body.

"Shu?" Shu turned his head and he was welcomed with Luca's warm smile. "What are you doing here?" The boy was wearing a hoodie with a jacket on it and a black pant. "Its cold out here. He removes his jacket and put it on Shu.

"Night walk." Shu lied and in instance he could see Luca's smiling face twitch. 'What's wrong?' He suddenly feel the urge to throw up but he hold it in.

"I see. Want to walk together? I'm on my night walk too." Luca said holding Shu's hands to warm him up. Shu can feel how warm Luca's hands actually was. "I'm still worried about you, you know."

Shu blushed before he shake his head.  "Its okay. I'm okay now."

Luca smiles at Shu before excusing himself. Shu watches Luca walking away from him alone. Something suddenly clicked in his head. 'Why did he look so pale? What is he doing here at night alone?.'

Spell On You (lucaxshu) [COMPLETE] Where stories live. Discover now