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Years passed, Shu was contented seeing his young master grew into a fine man. Whenever he looked at his young master, he would always remember a certain man. The name making it harder for him sometimes but he knew Luca just wanted the best for him.

Today was his birthday. He never celebrated it but this time his young master insisted for him to go visit the future and spend some days there. He refused but that was the order from his boss. To be honest, he missed those guys from the future too.

He teleported to the future on the same hill that he teleported when he first came there. He smiled watching the beautiful scenery of fallen leaves. He can guess the season was autumn.

He walked across the city. Many things has changed. He feel nostalgic visited the places that he used to go. He then went to visit the cafe. He opened the front door and for a brief second he could imagines Luca was smiling to him from the counter. His heart swelled, he missed the man so bad.

"Shu?" A jumped from his back making him fall. He looked at the culprit and he now was laying on his back as the person attacking him twice.

"I miss you man." The fox boy said shaking Shu aggressively.

"I miss you too." Shu admited not even a second after that. They catches up many things together. Talk about this and that until another person show up.

"You guys are crazy didn't invite me." Ike said and soon all of their friends were together. The conversation continued until late at night.

A lots of unspoken things being talked, a lot of secret being exposed and just that day Shu learned that Luca never really died.

"We're sorry for this 15 years." The feeling of guilty that they held for 15 years feel more lighter now that they said the truth.

"But on the last story Vox had told me, Luca died protecting me." Shu was beyond glad but more into heartbreak knowing the full story.

"We lied. We're sorry." Vox said hoping Shu would understand. "It is Luca's wish."

"No, why would you told me this now?" Shu was feeling anger but he knows he shouldn't be.

"Because tonight is full moon and you're here." Shu was frozen. He was scared to look back. He was scared of another disappointment. "I miss you."

Shu finally turning his back and there he saw Luca. Luca was looking so handsome under the moonlight.

"I miss you." Luca open his arms and Shu wasted no time jumping into the arms. He cried on Luca's shoulder for a while before taking Luca's face in his hands.

"Is this the real you?" Shu sobbed more as everything feel so ethereal. "You're here. I'm not dreaming again, right?" Shu feels pair of lips that he misses so much on his.

"It's been 15 years. I had gone for so long." Luca said wiping Shu's tears. "But now I'll be here to stay. My punishment is over."

"Punishment?" Shu asked as he didn't understand what Luca was saying.

"As a nine-tailed fox, I was hunted for being rare species so my family making a rule to never show my true form. Ike knew that. I changed to my true form when I killed the witch so I was under punishment from my dad but guess what?" Luca bopped Shu's nose teasingly.

"Even an evil and mean nine-tailed fox can be obey the rules." Shu heard someone holding a laughter while saying that.

"Alban. Stop that." Luca said faring his canine.

Shu was amused by the canine that he can't help touching it softly. "I honestly thought you're a human. Just an innocent human."

"He is the most dangerous alpha. It's just Ike loves to baby him." Alban said after went to Ike for a hug.

"Ike, why?" Vox looked at Ike in the most questioning expression he ever made.

"Welll.. Anyways. Your punishment supposed to end in another 85 years right?" Ike tried to avoid Vox's sussy stare.

"Yeah... supposed to." Luca kissed Shu's cheeks. "But I told my whole family that I'll take their future son-in-law home so.. they are all here." Shu was blushing so mad until the last sentences.

"What do you mea.. oh God.." Shu said noticing a lots of people surrounding them. The cafe already close four hours ago so no one except them and their friends supposed to be there.

"So now Shu." Luca was on his knees with a box of ring in his hand. "Will you marry me and bear my children?"

"Children?" Shu was surprised by Luca's way of confession. "Do you have children?"

"Our children." Luca kissed Shu's hand lovingly. "I'm an alpha. My partner can pregnant." Luca said and snuggle against Shu's tummy.

Shu blushed and let out a soft 'yes'. Luca wasted no time putting the ring on and carry the man in enjoyment.

They got married the next day since Luca has planned everything and ever since then, Shu stayed in modern world with Luca as his husband. About his young master, he knew everything from the beginning since Luca always secretly meet him. His young master also marry a goddess from his family arranged marriage but that marriage then blossom into a lovely marriage as both of them fell in love together.

Now Shu have eight children with twin his stomach. He couldn't ask for more than what he had now because Luca has giving him everything he wanted in his life.

Luca glad that even after everything, Shu still loves him. He even swear that he will end his life forever if Shu rejecting him but that will forever remains as a secret to himself. Having a big family with Shu was everything to him and he also swore he will never let Shu in pain again except in labor room.

The End

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