Chapter 2

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Dark...darkness everywhere

My body is aching so much like I was hit by a boulder.

My throat is dry, I haven't drunk water for a while...

All I remember is ...running...I was running ...running away from them.

But I don't remember who they were, they are a blur in my mind...

Ah, my head hurts too...what happened to me...

After running all I know is that I passed out from exhaustion...until I was carried by someone and later on ...nothing...

Blank...a huge blank...


A gasp...

'Is he waking up?'

'He is in pain..'

'Should I call the alpha?'

'Fetch the leader first!'

What is going on...

My eyes flutter open, and a plain ceiling appears in Infront of my blurry vision but I can make it out that the ceiling is white and has a round lighting arrangement.

Modern ...

I can hear the machine, beeping beside my head, annoyingly. My body is still aching from all the running, my legs are numb.

I want to speak throat, it's dry like a desert. My eyes drift, the bag of saline hanging over the bed and its pierced into my skin, stinking.

After struggling so much, I lift my hand and saw bandages over my knuckles, they have bandaged over my rewards.

I heard footsteps and the door opened, from a few footsteps there were too many, annoying.

Until...I heard heavy footsteps, alarming its surrounding with the heavy sole of the boots this person is wearing. A clinking sound also comes along with the footsteps.

Keys? No ... Sword holder...

'He is awake, alpha.'

'Can we talk to him?'

'Yes, he is stable to talk.'

'Very well, we shall go gentle with him.'

'Yes, alpha.'

Alpha...have I run over another clan?


How soothing this alpha's voice is, raspy yet soft.

'Omega, how are you feeling?'

'Do not fear us. We won't hurt you. You are safe here.'

'Do you know where are you from? What is your name and everything?'

'If you don't want to answer now then, it's alright. Just take your time and stay here until you feel okay."'

'I'm the alpha of this clan, you are in the South. So, don't be afraid of us.'

Alpha of the south...then...I'm in the Min clan...I have heard about them...they are not vicious like other ones...

Maybe I can talk to them so that they can help me to get back to my home.

I have to speak...come on voice...

' North... '

' I am from North ... '

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