Chapter 24

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' I'm taking you out. '

Everyone is staring at us, everyone knows me....and him as well...

This is awkward...

"Hm, I have decided to grab some ramen. What about you?"

He asked, completely ignoring the fact that we are in public and everyone is staring at us.

"Don't you have any idea...."

Min looks up and looks around, being clueless.

"What? I'm hungry."

I sigh, I don't know how come he became a leader....maybe a family line.

"Everyone is staring at us..."

"So? Are you embarrassed?"

My face heats up, It's not like I never came out to eat like this but this time it's different!

"No!'s just..."

"It's just what?"

I gulped down, The waiter came by and he gladly gave his order including mine as the same. The waiter took it and spared a glance at me before smiling to himself and leaving. I swear I can dig a hole and bury myself there if I had the chance...

"So, since you weren't missing me,but I'll take that I wasn't that close yet?"

Where is he going on with this?

My heart is beating faster but not because of him, pulling me out of my home in the public where everyone knows heart is beating because of the news tomorrow. Gosh, the news will be over the roof after tonight...what should I do...should I be rude to him and leave, it will make us more highlighted than we were before...what should I do...oh! Moon! Help me!

"Jimin, I know you are freaking out because I dragged you out and we are in public, so what? Are you afraid that leading a happy life will make your image strain?"

I gulp down the stress and focus on Min's words, he is right because I do deserve happiness but it's not the right time.

"You don't understand...we both are leaders's unusual for us to dine in somewhere people will-"

"Let them see."

Min cuts in, his words are as heavy as his voice. His yellowish eyes flashed a little before it turned back to normal.

Was he expressing possessiveness?

"Anyway, it will create a good image for you though."

He went back to his usual self, being soft and using his words carefully.


"See, if your people see that you are dining with another leader from a different clan then they will trust you more since you know what you are dealing with. It will be beneficial for you."

I look around me, people are talking but as he said it will be beneficial for me. They are looking at us with curiosity and no one shows any ill intentions or expression I guess we are fine...

I sigh, leaning on my seat, relaxing my nerves because this whole situation is getting to my nerves. I flinched when I felt a warm touch on my hands, and my eyes quickly drifted to those pale veiny hands above mine.

"What are you doing?"

Min shows a sign of being hurt by my words.

"Oh, that hurts. Why are you being so rude? Can't I hold your hands?"

"This isn't a date."

"I never said this is a date."

There's a silence between us, blinking at each other. I quickly remove my hands from the table and rest them on my lap as he leans back in his chair.

The waiter came back with a tray that contained two bowls of ramen. He places our ramen and bows at us before leaving. Min starts to dig in as I stare at the bowl before my stomach growls a little.

"Someone is hungry."

Min comments, he slurps his noddles while eyeing me.

"So what?! Can't I have a second dinner?!"

I grabbed my chopsticks and shoved the noodles in my mouth and then I knew, it was hot as hell.

As I was coughing, Min poured some water into my side and helped me to drink it in one go. Others in that place started to get worried and stepped closed to check in but I'm sure they won't come to my aid just because there's an alpha.

"Be careful with hot foods! It came a minute ago! Gosh!"

He rubs my back, my cough dies a few minutes later and I know I look awful now. Min grabs some napkins and gently wipes my face.

"Are you okay?"

I nod, my eyes drift to Min's face and he looks worried.

"Let's get you home. Enough outing for today."

He says he pays for the meal as well but I do want to finish it but he refuses to let me have that once more.

We arrived home but he held my hand, no sign of letting go.

"Thank you for taking me out."

I say, Min hums.

"I feel awful, it wasn't the best for the book."

He answers, looking down at his feet.

"I had fun though."

He turns to me, our eyes meet and there is something that clicked. I don't know what it is but I'm sure it's nothing that I experienced before.

"I'm glad. But next time..."

He stopped and before I could say anything, he trapped me in between his arms and snuggled closer to me. I'm sure if I wasn't the leader of a clan, I would've accepted him as my alpha's too complicated.

"I'll take you on a date and it will be a lot more fun."

My eyes sparkled because I knew this kind of stuff would excite me, and my face turned red because he mentioned 'date'.

Does he ....mean it...can he wait...

"Min, you-"

"I know, you are a leader and you can't accept anyone as yours as you are now but when you will not be a leader or when it is your time.."

He holds my hand and places a kiss on the upper part. Holding the eye contact as he laces on my skin.

"I can wait till then, I can wait until you are ready."

My heart skipped a beat, this never happened to me. I am known as the cold leader who fell for an alpha, who worked beside alphas and betas, never let my guard down until tonight....

What is he doing to me...

"I'll wait for you, my moon."


That's all for today! Sorry for the delay! I am sick and was feeling bad all day!

See you guys on next Wednesday!

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