Chapter XVIII {The Prophesy}

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we return to the Room of Doors. Hermione draws a flaming X across the door we just closed.

Harry moves to the next one. its locked.

"Alohorma!" Harry says pointing his wand at the door

it remains closed.

"whatever's in there, the Ministry sure doesn't want anyone getting to it." i say

Harry moves to the next door and opens it, stepping inside.

we enter what i will now call the 'Clock Room' because every surface is covered in clocks.

"this is it! come on!" Harry yells

Harry leads us back to the end of the room, where another door lies.

"this is it! this is where Sirius is!" Harry says excitedly

we spill into the room. i grip my wand tighter as i glance around the room.

the room is gigantic, being over fifty feet high and incredibly long. there are rows and rows of shelves. on every shelf are dozens of dusty golden orbs. the room is lit by more blue-flamed candles

"he's in here somewhere" Harry mumbles

he leads us down the center isle, peering down each row. he turns down one row, leading us to the end. this end opens out into another wide isle.

the row is empty.

"i don't think Sirius is here." Hermione says

i stare at one of the orbs

"Harry, have you seen this?" i ask

Harry looks over his shoulder

"uh, its got your name on it." i say

there was a golden orb resting on the shelf with the label 'S.P.T to A.P.W.B.D: The Dark Lord and Harry Potter'

"what's my name doing here?" Harry asks reaching out for it

"don't touch it, Harry!" Hermione yells

"why not?" Harry asks

"yeah, Harry, don't." Neville says

i turn and see that Neville has grown very pale

"its got my name on it!" Harry says

he takes it off the shelf and looks at it

"i warned you before that one day you would come to a sticky end, Potter." a deep monotone voice says

Lucius Malfoy emerges from the shadows, cloaked all in black. two dozen other Death Eaters emerge around him.

i suddenly realize we are surrounded...and VERY outnumbered

"where's Sirius?" Harry asks

Lucius and several other Death Eaters laugh

"we don't have him, if that's what you mean." Lucius says

"you never did, did you. it was all just a trick." Harry says stunned

"the Dark Lord knows your weakness for heroics, Potter. all it took was a little nudge to get you here." Lucius says grinning

"now give me the Prophesy." Lucius says reaching out to Harry, palm up

"what Prophesy?" Harry asks

"that Prophesy. now hand it over or we'll have to use wands on you." Lucius says pointing to the golden orb

Harry raises his wand at the same time that we all do.

"go ahead." Harry says

"very brave of you, Potter. or are you foolish?" Lucius asks coldly

"come and find out!" Harry yells

"really, Potter. you expect to defeat all of us with your little school friends? now hand it over, and they won't have to die here." Lucius says

two of the Death Eaters step forward, throwing their hoods back. its my mother and Bellatrix Lestrange

"mother?" i ask shocked

"hello Vanessa." she says cocking an eyebrow

"i havent escaped Azkaban for this!" Bellatrix yells raising her wand

Lucius forces her arm down "no! if the Prophesy is smashed..."

he stops and turns to Harry but Bellatrix turns to several Death Eaters.

"take the youngest girl. we'll see how committed Potter is as we torture her." Bellatrix orders

we all close around her, me standing at the front, closest to the Death Eaters. Harry steps next to me, wand raised at Bellatrix, as he holds the Prophesy.

"you even try and take her and ill smash this thing." he warns

he tosses the Prophesy casually in the air and catches it again. Lucius stares horrified

"so, what kind of Prophesy are we talking about?" Harry asks

"surely you jest, Potter." Bellatrix says

"not really. how come Voldemort wants it?" Harry asks

"you dare to speak the Dark Lord's name?" Lucius questions

"who, Voldemort? oh yeah, i dare. Voldemort, Voldemort, Voldemort." Harry mocks

"silence! how dare you utter that name from your half-blood mouth?" Bellatrix screeches

"hey, did you know Voldemort's a half-blood too?" i ask smirking

Bellatrix raises her wand to strike at me but Lucius stop her as he looks at me. i knew what he was doing. he was doing this for Draco. he saved me for Draco.

"what's so special about this Prophesy, anyway?" Harry asks

Bellatrix shrieks with laughter

"you mean Dumbledore never told you the reason you bear that scar was hidden here?" Lucius asks

"what?" Harry asks shocked

the Death Eaters laugh

as the Death Eaters are distracted Harry leans back and whispers "when i give the signal, blast the shelves."

"so that's what took you so long. we wondered." Lucius said

"but why did he need me to take it?" Harry asks

"only the person for whom the Prophesy was made can remove it from itself, Potter, and the Dark Lord certainly could not get it himself." Lucius answers

"so he used me to do his dirty work?" Harry asks angrily

"precisely, Potter." Lucius says

"NOW!" Harry yells

i fire a spell at the nearest shelf as does everyone else. the Death Eaters cover their faces as debris covers them.

"run!" Harry yells

dust fills the air. entire shelves fall crashing to the ground, raining glass shards and golden orbs. we break and run for the door.

Lucius grabs Harry by the shoulder.

"stupefy!" Hermione yells sending the spell at Lucius

Lucius is blasted backwards.

spells explode everywhere

"get them!" Lucius yells at the Death Eaters

we run for the door, slamming it behind us.

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