Chapter 7

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September 17 2021, Philadelphia

alliahmendoza posted
on their stories

alliahmendoza postedon their stories

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"ALLIAH! THAT IS NOT YOGURT," Harry protested, "it's- it's pathetic

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"ALLIAH! THAT IS NOT YOGURT," Harry protested, "it's- it's pathetic."

Alliah gasped. "How dare you? This is yogurt, it is not pathetic, and it's strawberry!"

"Alliah, Harry," Anya interjected, "stop behaving like children and sit straight! Jenna will be here any minute, so make a good impression."

Jenna was Alliah's manager, and she wasn't easy to impress. She'd been trying to push Alliah into trying to do a PR stunt with Harry, and Alliah had refused. Several times.

Jenna was persistent. But Alliah had the uncontrollable urge to always be right, and she was incredibly stubborn. Alliah could hold her ground against Jenna without a problem.

Alliah set down her yogurt cup next to her mug filled with juice and wiped her hands on a tissue. She leaned towards Harry, who tilted his head to look at her.

Alliah whispered into his ear, "Hey, just in case, if Jenna says anything, I want you to know I don't want a PR stunt, alright?"

Harry's eyes widened, and he almost snapped his neck turning to face Alliah, but a knock on the door interrupted them.

The devil had arrived and a deal was to be bargained.


Alliah made her way into Harry's dressing room, knocking on the door and hearing the soft "Come in!" From Harry.

Alliah entered, feeling a little nauseous and light-headed. Or maybe that had to do with the fact that it was three in the afternoon and the only thing she'd eaten was a yogurt cup.

Harry sat on the couch, legs crossed with a laptop over his lap. Alliah recognized those voices. He was watching FRIENDS. Of course he was.

"You're watching FRIENDS?" Alliah prompted, mug in hand as she walked over to the couch, sitting beside Harry. He moved over, giving her space.

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