Chapter 2

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𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟏𝟔 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏, Denver

ALLIAH MENDOZA BELIEVED HERSELF THE LUCKIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD. It wasn't just anyone who got the opportunity to open for the Harry Styles, and she was certainly not wasting the opportunity.

It was very likely that this would help Alliah get the recognition she knew she deserved. Even after three albums, she'd stayed a small artist, thinking that no one would notice her music. But Harry Styles noticed it.

He noticed, and he liked- no, loved it so much, that Harry invited her to open for him on tour. If that didn't give Alliah the biggest ego boost of her life, then nothing would.

And yet, after a long road of waiting impatiently, rehearsing endlessly and mentally preparing herself, it turns out nothing could get rid of the anxiety that had a tight hold on Alliah's mind.

Alliah clenched and unclenched her fists, taking deep breaths, using all of the breathing exercises her therapist had given her, but nothing was working. She still felt like throwing up the small amount of food she'd managed to eat.

Leaning forward, Alliah took a small peak, and looked at the massive crowd filling the arena. Twenty thousand people. That's how many there were in the crowd. Granted, they were here for Harry, but every single one of them would end up hearing Alliah sing.

"Alliah, five minute warning!" Anya, Alliah's assistant said. She stood beside Alliah, placing a warm hand on her shoulder. Anya lowered her voice, "Hey, you've got a great voice, and you've practiced this again and again. You're going to be amazing."

Alliah nodded, breathing in, and out. Just like her therapist told her. "Yeah, yeah," She muttered in agreement. And then she took another look, and noticed the bizarre amount of people gathered. "Shit. Nope. Nope. No fucking way. It's twenty fricking thousand people!"

"Alliah," Anya warned her, sending the brunette a glare. "You'll be great. Relax, have fun and they'll love you. I'm sure they will."

Alliah swallowed. "Right. Just, relax." Deciding that staring at the crowd for any longer would probably make her vomit, Alliah turned around. And then immediately froze like a deer in headlights.

Harry Styles. In a towel, chatting it up with his manager, Jeff.

Fuck, he's hot.

Nope, he's your employer, he's just a normal human being, and stop objectifying him. Alliah mentally chided herself. She forced a smile on her face and did her best to act casual when Harry approached her.

"Hi," Harry said, with a soft smile on his face. Comforting. "Just checking up, wanted to watch the start of your set, if that's alright?"

Alliah nodded. "Yeah, of course," she managed to get out. Even though she was struggling not to hyperventilate. Not because Harry was standing in front of her, no.

It was because the thought of Harry watching her perform, or anyone watching her perform was enough to give Alliah a panic attack.

Stupid fucking social anxiety, Alliah thought.

"Are you nervous?" Harry asked, and it was clear in his voice he was trying his best to make conversation. It had been a bit of a shock for Alliah to discover that Harry was actually shy in person, a complete contrast to his energy on stage.

"A little. And by a little, I mean I'm on the verge of a panic attack," Alliah joked, and Harry chuckled. It was a joke. Mostly. "I'm sure it'll be fine, and I'm actually really excited, I just get nervous in front of people. And I've never really done the whole, like- an actual arena."

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