Chapter 26

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November 22 2021, Los Angeles

ALLIAH NO LONGER KNEW where she stood with Harry. She didn't know what the next step was.

Despite the fact that the show two days ago in the Kia Forum had been Alliah's last show for Love on Tour, Harry had given her tickets for the last show in New York.

Alliah already had her plane tickets, and there was no way she was going to waste that kind of money by not going to the last show of Harry's for 2021. But what was she going to do? Still go backstage and go out for dinner and drinks with the band like they'd planned?

Harry had been a huge asshole to Alliah. And they hadn't even spoken after their fight.

Alliah had finished her set, immediately run to the bathroom and waited until Harry began performing, and said her final goodbyes to everyone she could.

And then Alliah had perfectly timed it so that when Harry was busy changing and showering, she said goodbye to the entire band. Alliah knew Harry like the back of her hand, and that meant she knew his schedule perfectly.

They'd already taken the perfect last picture with the band and Harry hours ago, before the fight.

Alliah did everything right so she could still do everything perfectly while avoiding Harry. It made her feel like a bit of an asshole not to stick around and say goodbye to him, but Harry had been a bit of an asshole. And he hadn't even apologized.

And now two days had passed, and Harry hadn't said a word. Hadn't even tried to apologize.

"It's not my fault you go out on dates with every guy you meet."

The words he'd spoken to her still echoed in the back of her mind, like a knife being repeatedly stabbed into her every time she remembered.

Death by a thousand cuts.

That's what it felt like.

December 21 2021, Los Angeles

ONE MONTH. That's how long it'd been since Alliah had spoken to Harry. Every day, she checked her phone, hoping for a message, anything.

Alliah stopped checking her phone after two weeks. Learned not to get excited every time there was a notification, and not to get her hopes up when a call came through.

Once she hit the two week mark, Alliah had broken to pieces. She couldn't believe it was real. Harry had broken every promise he'd ever made about sticking around.

Alliah had been right, hadn't she? Knowing they'd grow apart after tour was over.

"Forever," Harry had promised. I guess forever was pretty damn short.

Alliah had called Rudy, crying at 2am, wondering where the hell Harry was. He was the one she was supposed to call, he was the one who knew exactly the right thing to say.

Rudy had been there for Alliah. He'd noticed how upset she was over the phone and drove to her house immediately.

But after that, Alliah felt even worse. She couldn't even handle her emotions by herself. She felt weak.

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