Chapter 39

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April 10 2022, Detroit

"I'M NOT GOING TO-" Alliah begun to protest, only to be interrupted by Jenna.

"You have two options. Either make your relationship public and use it for the PR or hide it and keep it private so we can use it to our advantage."

Alliah took a deep breath, reminding herself not to snap at Jenna and to keep her cool. To be professional, even when she didn't want to be.

"I don't want either of those, I just want to live my life," Alliah said. "I'll show what I want to show and keep everything else private. I don't owe anyone an explanation about my love life and I certainly don't need to keep it a secret."

"If you go public, imagine all of the advantages you'll have, the doors that will open-"

"I don't want those doors to open because of my relation to someone else. I won't use my relationship with Harry to get further in my career. I'm going to earn it and work for it so when I'm at the top, I can say it was all because of my hard work. Not because of using someone I care about for PR-"

"You're being ridiculous, Alliah. Life has given you an advantage, it's only fair to take it. This is an opportunity, not a disadvantage," Jenna sighed, and Alliah could just imagine her look of disapproval. "Fine. Want to keep it private? Do so. But you'll have to go out on walks with Niall. So what if you aren't dating him, the tabloids will say you are, and you don't have to lie."

"I don't want-" Alliah begun to protest, anger flaming in her chest, ready to fight tooth and claw for this. But Harry decided to right at that moment enter the room, a curious look in his eye.

Alliah's stomach sunk to the floor. Give Harry peace.

How much had he heard?

Alliah sighed. "Look, Jenna, I have to go, we'll talk about this later, okay?"

"We are not done talk-"

"Bye," Alliah said, forcing a happy tone and a smile on her face. She hung up the phone, Jenna still protesting.

Alliah turned to Harry, saying, "Hey, baby, you okay?"

Harry nodded, taking firm steps forward and wrapping his arms around her waist. "Mhm. Are you?"

"Just a little problem with Jenna, nothing big," Alliah reassured him. A white lie wouldn't do him any harm, would it? "Don't worry. What do you want for lunch?"

Harry scanned her face, and Alliah tried her best to keep it steady and patient. He didn't seem to buy her lie, but didn't mention it.

"Why don't we get sushi?"

Alliah grinned, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. "You have an obsession with sushi."

"Maybe I'll write a song about it," Harry joked, and a giggle slipped from his lips.

The small giggle grew into full-blown laughter as he looked down, shaking his head.

Alliah waited, staring at him as he laughed to himself about a joke she didn't get, until he calmed down enough, still grinning with eyes crinkling in the corner with silent laughter.

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